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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 11

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 11

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MINNEAPOLIS TTIILU'NE TIHilSDAY SEPTEMBER 18'J3. 1 1 FINANCIAL. HELP WAXi'KD SI AI.K fCoo'f.) ItEAL EST ATI-; VOll A I.E. SITIATIONS WASTED MALE (Cn.n't.) Hy youiig men wVh best of poeiiton as jeri, v. or r-tsll store.

Triourie A. H. PKARSA1.U DRUG FToRE Kt Twentieth av IP ci HtlCH JhSNINOrt. DRUG STORK Fast Lake at W. J.

WILLIAMS. DRUG STORE lill Fast Lake st Tu liK-lnnntl. Th Monnn P.i.ufe will sell tlrkpis to Cln-rlnnatl and rt-mrri, (M. 12. 1 1 nn1 17, rooiI returning until Oct.

21, for one fre. A'Hresa U. K. Sessions, N. V.

I'ass. MlMifapolla t'hiaKo City Ticket Office, 2Z2 South Clark Ht. AMan'sIiome Is His Castle WAV 1 r.I i--Good atlc.ns for r'-M estats loans, current rates. Tnorpe Set Hen. av.

Jdi IN EY Mi iN EY 1-an salaried people boiling steady positions, without security. Call before going an 1 gst our plan of lending; all business confidential. 3-sJ Hsnk of (Ymmeroe Building. MoNEY loaned salaried people holdicg permanent positions with responsible concerns, upon their own names, without security; easy payment. Tolman.

room N. Y. Life Bull-ling. MONEY loaned on life Insurance. L.

P. Van Norman, 41 Guaranty Loan. CONFIDENTIAL We loan money on watche and dlamonda Abelee, 243 Nicollet av. CHATTEL LOANS. LOANS mada on household goods, furs In storage and warehouse reoeipt at one-half th usual ratea.

230 Temple Court. QUICK loans made on furnltur. planus, without removal; easy payments; cheapest ratea; business confidential. Minnesota Mortgage Loan 306 Bank of Commerce Btdg. MONEY loaned quickly on furnltur, planus, etc; terms easy.

Star Loaning 241 Nicollet av. uiMttalrs. room 10. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOI.LAHS HKWAHD-Strayed from 2S14 Second av large dapple gray mare; tall white; weight als.ut l.Ooo pounds.

STOLEN $100 worth of goods, shoes. North Star make, underwear, gloves and razors, reward for eonvl. tlon of guilty parties. Alfred Heaudry. Dayton, Minn.

HKWAHD No questions asked person returning vest, watch and chain found In toilet room of Kasota Bull-ilng Wednesday morning. Tna Wessex, 12-sl Nicollet av. "Wanted VTheelwomen to get a copy of The Tribune's famous "Up-lo-Date Cycling Record Hook" now ready for free distribution at Tribune want Sent to any address on receipt of 4c In postage. -T-4--M--T- KOTICES. STOVES Heater.

liihtly lined, at Iphs than half-prict; tjQ the best make to Hflect fret flat the Town Market. 25 an r7 Fifth st H. KKCEIVKI new atuck beautiful framed plo-tur-fM; WtttfT culora etching, uil paintings; we frame pictures chHp. Zewbaush, Fifth nt S. STATK OF MIXNKSOTaT Voi'NTY JIKX- NKP1N.

IN I'KMHATR I'Ol'RT. IS THK MATTKH OK TUB KSTATE OF LEVI COOK, Xjfc.v'KAKFO. OKDKH, Whereas, Charles K. t'ook, the of said Levi L. ook.

deceafd, bus MIM in tha shove entittr. court a petition, duly verified by him, praying that an order of this court Is entered herein, distributing part (if the aBrts of HHid eetnte, amongst the heirs at law of said Levi L. tlonk, according tu the previsions of his last will ami testament, whU.h has been flld In Hald court, and that a date and place may be flied by said order at which all persons Interested In such distribution of said estate sIihII appear and be hard concerning their right to share in such distribution, and that this court niaks an oroVr dftfrmlning who pre such hlrs at law, and ordering such distribution to be made amongst them now, therfforf It la hereby ordered, that all persons Interacted In said estate as heirs at law of said IevJ Cook, nr otherwise claiming to ba entitled to share In the dit-trHmttm. of the assets thereof, other than those entitled to speflflft l-gaci-f. he and appear before said Probate Court of Hennepin cuiinty.

Minnesota, at the Probate Court room In the court house. In the city of Minneapolis, Hennepin county, Minnesota, on Monliy, the day of November. lr9. at 10 o'clfH-k In the fnrenoin. then and there to be heard as to their right to share In the distribution of the assets of said estate, on which hearing said court will make Its ordr determining who ar the hlrs at law of aald Levi L.

Cook, and who are entitled to share In tha distribution of th cstHte, and the shara or proportion to which each la entitled. And further ordered that nntlre of snrh hearing be given to all persona interested In said estate by publishing this order once In ea'h wrk for three sufcsslve weeks In Tha Mtnnpapnlls Tribune, a newspaper printed and published In Raid city of Mtiinejipolls. enm-mning not later than Srptmher 27, and, further, that a copy of this order he mailed to enrh of tht- person named In the list of persons attached to said petition, marked Exhibit at thetr places of residenoe aa therein giv-n, not later than September i.7, Iad at Minneapolis, this IfUh day of September. 1K9f. By the Court: 1 F.

HARVRY, of Probate. BOARD AND HOOMS OiCKI.R-X. STO'ES Heaters, slightly used, at lesa than half-price; 600 of the best makes to select from at the Town Market. 25 and 27 Klfth st S. HOUHK, newly papered and painted, new furniture, steam heat: board, with gas and bath, $4 per week.

Twelfth at 8, corner Klrst av. FIRST-CLASS hoard, with furnished room; modern and central. 19 Eleventh ut S. BOARD AND HOOMS WANTED. WANTUI Furnished room and board In respectable private American family, by a student; willing to pay $15 per month, Tribune.

FURNISHED ROOMS. tsTOVKS Heaters, slightly used, at less than half-price; 6o0 of th best makea to select from at the Town Market, and 27 Fifth at ti. NEWLY furnished front and side room at b30 Hennepin av. LNFIRNISII-D ROOMS. $6 THRKR rooms, Kxchsnge block, "Western and Bryant av.

M. Houart, k'hoenlx Bldg. llit.M.UUU UOlSfr-S AND fc'LAT WANTED. WANTF.D Modern furnished house to keep for winter by first-class man and wife; A No. 1 references; not too far out.

H. A. King, Lock Box 18, city. FLATS TO RUNT. FOR RIO NT Fine five room Hat, modern Improvements, second floor, range, bath.

Kitchen turn! turn, hot and cold water, stortri windows, rent $12 to responsible and respectable parties only; keys at 63 West Island av, Nicollet Island. FLAT. $12. ft'17 Spring st NK, five rooms, modern except heat; new, warm brick block. City Realty iei Boston block.

TWO new flats, 117 First st N. IIS. plumbing, second floor; also first floor, arranged to ault tenant. City Realty Boston block. FLATS WANTKD.

STOVES Heaters, slightly used, at less than half-price; 600 of the best makes to select from at the Town Market, and 17 Fifth st H. UOIS-S TO lit: NT. MODKRN HOUSES IN ALL PARTS Of THE IT HO It PBB 1U )8. I AV. H()USK, .1103 Motor av.

eight rooms, good order, well, pump, shatl for horse and wagon; rent $10. City Realty 2o Boston block. TO RKNT A good comfortable house, modern, newly papered, storm cash, barn, fine location; large lawn. 3401 First av H. HOUSES WANTED.

WANTKD-To rent small detached house, six rooms, rent not over Answer by Thursday, 1013 Fremont av N. WANTKD Modern house and lot between First av and Chicago av Inside Twenty-eighth st. to cost not over customer waiting. Raker, l'hoenlx. STOKES, OFFICES, FOIl RENT AND WAKTKD.


FARM LANDS, RANCHES AND FRUIT LANDS FOR BALE. 16,000 ACRES of hardwood timber land In Clark county. Wis. (lood roads, schools, markets, etc. For particulars addresa Lusk-Petcron Lund Co-o 3')3Phoenii Bldg.

THRI'R good clay auhsoll Improved farms. Wright Minnesota. About half price. Must sell quick. Only $16 and $10 per acre; 30 milea from city.

F. Dibble, 417 Phoenix Building. LANDS, Houston county, Chisago, $ti; Grant, Otter Tall. Lincoln, Swift, $16; Yellow Medicine. Murray, Eads, Lumber Exchange.

STORAGE. THIS Hoyd Transfer and Fuel Co. has unequaled facilities for moving and torlng household g(xds; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men. Ofllce i Bo. id et.

11. lit Ms in. DYKING, AND CLKANINO. TW IN CITY DYB WOHKS practical dyers and French dry cleaners. Out of town order solicited: price moderate.

420 NIc, tel. 167. DRESSMAKING. Heater, slightly at lesa than half-price; .00 of the best makea to select from at the Town Market, iS snd Si F.fl'i 9. You can have castle a very modern castle when you travel if you secure one of those charming little compartments in the compartment sleeping cars of the "Great Western Limited" fJaily at 7.35 p.

m. to Dubuque, Chicago am! the East, from Chicago Great Western Station, Washington and loth Avenues South. Ticket Office, 5th and Nicollet. THE MANY CURES Effected by my treatment la pro. if iA it absolute superiority over all others.

Any man auflmiiif from Drvo 11 debility physical weakness or any Witt iii' dlfe refeuitiiift Inm youthful errors, e. Cwm Cin aamired tA nttedf relic! and a permnrnt v-vrm bv my uioJt hhi grand treatment stop dram and low, pa nnes the nM, restore trie nerve and replac energy, power mid viifor. Consultation free and strictly conSitWiniiaj; Call or wr.ta br (ueiu'U lint. My home treatment core even the worst case Hwn. 9 a.

in. to 8 p. m. buudajr, 10 a. m.

to 12 m. Hm4b Ifeawaaalia, Wi-aa DR. LESLIE' PILES CUBE A pnriflc oiurn of fetwrtrfl. Mtmi Tratmwt, by mail, that peeliiy and prant1y cum lorro of Pile, in both mm, no matter what canae them, or bow long (laading: iho m-art agravated, pataiu-, aora, itching anj stubborn ciw readilv ieM to this new treat- Want. dm? store cure, that ia worth tureN hile You iSlet p.

Teatin-soniats insE trrv 3U prominent Mmneapolie and tit. Caul People who harw been cured, luataa-tanemia reiu-f. followed by a permanent cure, ia vaarantee-d. Financial ierruc. Write or fail H.

I. LSI. IK. 8-S l.yndal. Aa.

Houth, Ulnneapulia, Minnesota. Orho hour: tct:) i. m. All day every Sundajr. bora inroat, Haipiea, loppar adored anol.

aches, old vires. Ulcere In month, hair-fail! nf Write C00X REMaDf ta 7( TMik Iklaaaa. Drool. A ft m. 1200.000.

Wsrat caaaa cured ia la. lOo-patr bu traa IiIuHimJ discharge, luflauimationB, Ouf- Ml ll'uu' or bat itmuu. or mar obi amwani. frtvtau tfcia. amteM, do not tlJ, ur 3 bottle, 7' rjTUinr will in -uiM't LYDIA B.

PINKHAMS LIVER PIUUS Cura Constipation an rtlo- Hea4acb ra-aulilng Irsaa Panale Ilia. Cents. All Drue-flrlstA. QrapeNuts, 73 rain-hu ilelin Grocer at 15 eenra. rward offflrd for a case of wpkns In m- bark.

ofvlt-iUty, lnolitlmit ktdnoy and bKdddr dlirrVrn, tht cant ha enrd by MorroTr1 KM-ne-oIds, the nw arJat tlflc dlsooTory for aliatt-r-4Hi DfrrM, thin blood, wtii mosX positively pitld on receipt of reliablu rtdao-. Morrow's KIil-uo-oMa are praparad In yrtlow tablets, 80c a bot. For sla at VogM bmc. drug itora. Mailed on receipt of price, ion Moaaow A Sprtnfl9ld, Ohio.

Free Want Page Blaak dvVo. Situation Wanted A-dvertiaementa only wil' ba published witheut rjiare-e It written on thU blank and sent to THK TRIBUNE ofBoa. When THE TRIBUNE helps you procure a attuation, you will aonlsr a favor by writing; the facta to the Superintendent ol Adrertiaing, care oi Tribune. mm A Izi No i ij I iu up a anii ay ijii HAVE YOU the BARHKH wanted at oio-e. flr-t-cUsa: waives, J.2.

Answer at on- e. most tia-. barl-er Thursday. Stendy Work for right nmo. Please answer by -wire at once.

H'-nry Fairfax, Minn. WANTEi Man or strong to do genetal work around boar-ling house for boarj and wages, at 1.28 Fourth st SK. WANTEI Expert parquet floor layers; highest wages for best Woramen. New Store. CARPET cleaning and laying; expert w-ukmeii.

quick aervlca, charge lowest. Tel. 2et, New Store. WANTED Parquet floor layers, highest wage lald to expert workmen. New Store.

WANTED Two dinner waitresses. The IeUcacy, Nicollet. WANTEDTwo Bhoeuiakers at once, 218' Washington av steady job. WANTED-Plasterer at once. 210 Lumber Exchange.

WANTED A presser on pants. 10 Third st Id floor, room 12. ANTEI--Two good lumber pller at once. Northwestern Casket 661 to 67. Seventeenth av NE.

BOY, willing to work, well acquainted with city. 16. with references. Call at Minneapolis Mending Bureau, 2i'i2 Nicollet av. WANT El An experienced newspaper subscription aoltcltor at once.

Call at circulation department Tribune. W'ANTEI Experienced paper stock cutters; wages and steady employment. W. b. onkey Hammond.

Ind. HELP WASTED FEMALE. WANTED A girl for general housework, family of three, no children; good wagea; German or Scandinavian preferred. 1005 University ar SE. YOUNG WOMAN For a pracUraT-eTucat ion in shorthand, bookkeeping and offh practice attend Archlba'd'a college, Lake st and Stevens av.

GOLD ECTaT'LES AN EED EN years, eyes examined free; satisfaction guaranteed. Ostrem, optician, '32 Nicollet av. upstairs, room 6. WANTED--Glrls, finishers on coats, at once. Collom Block, room 23.

ANY LA I having two or three hours' apare tune a day can make $5 weekly worklnif for us at home; nothing to sell. S.nd self -addressed envelope for free sample. Manhattan 1C1 Deekinan st, N. Y. COPYIST Young lady to do wrltig at home; $15 weekly: no canvassing; send 10c for copy of the Bachelor and full particulars.

Bachelor Publishing Company, St. Louis, Mo. WASTE Nurse girl days, good pay to kind girl; near court house; no work exi -pt to take care of children. Address 43, Tribune. WANTED Girl for general housework.

Call 335 I nlversity av is cook for nice pastry work In large boarding house. Call at once. 1228 Fourth st SK. WANTED Middle-aged respectable lady for housekeeis-r and will marry If suited; good home. Wm.

Olabots. Superior, Wis. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 2228 Hloomlngton av. WANTED Girl to do folding.

F. Job printers, 30 Nicollet. G. Drew WANTED Girl to clerk In crockery store; experienced girl preferred. Call 8 o'clock, Friday morning, 4u7 Cedar av.

WANTED Two expert female stenographers. Apply between 1 and 3 p. in. Ward Watson, 65 Fourth st S. WANTED A girl or middle aged woman to assist with housework; white or colored; wagea $2.

613 Hennepin av. WANTK1 Girl to work for room and board-Please call at 607 Second av 8. HOUSEWORKEH, family of two, Fort Pnelllng, $18; waitresses, West, $20; bouseworkers. $2t; cooks, $40. Dougiaas' Intelligence, 10 Sixth, St.

Paul. MILLINERY OPENING, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week. Swell hats, all kinds. Bring tills ad and get extra rel.ate the ahove daj-B on trimmed natal luweat prices in cuy. Open evenings this week.

The Mllltnery Supply sii av. -t--i" 1 i r- L. i- Wanted Wheelwomen to get a copy jf I- The Tribune's famous "Up-to-Date Cycl- j- Ing Record Book' now ready for free I- distribution at Tribune want "ad" coun- ter. Sent to any address on reoeipt of 4c r- in postage. AGENTS WANTED.

AGENTS wanted to operate in Minnesota and the two Dakotas for the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association of New York, Liberal contracts to right men. A. H. McNIchol, 417 Guaranty Loan Bldg. AGENTS WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN.

We want one good agent, either man or woman, in everv town In the United States to take orders for Men's, Women's and Children's Waterproof Mackintoshes and Raincoats, also Ladles' aterproof Skirts and Capea. Men and women make HO.uo to a week In their own town faking orders for our waterproof garments. We furnish large samplea, beautifully Illustrated sample book and complete outfit, Instruct you how to do the work and pay you Jiice a week In cash. For full particulars, mall this notice to the DUNDEE RUBBER CORPORATION, Chicago. lib AGENCY work Is poor business If one has to be "broke" half of the time.

We have a good article, and a man or woman who could not sell It rapidly need not hope for success as an agent. Investigate thi. Sutlav Brothers, Keokuk, Iowa WANTED-Agents to Bell the Pioneer mam els for Incandescent gas lights; none better. Fac tory If riiurtn st is. aunneapotiB.

WANTED Special agents, male or female, to introduce our specialties. Requires little time, genteel efforts, no expense, valuable results. Can be done out of or during business hours. Particulars from Howe Mfg. 1S5 Dearborn at, Chicago.

BUSINESS CHANCES. NO MATTER what the article may be you wish to sell or buy, if properly advertised you can make a deal. FOR SALE Furnished hotel in lively town, new building, splendid location, only hotel; good opportunity for a hustler; would like to deal at once. Sheyenne Hotel, Sheyenne, D. BAKERY and restaurant for rent; will be vacant Oct.

1: been running for 16 years steadv; gisid location. Address Jacob Hoff man, Hastings, ruinn IK YOU HAVE r-0t), young, healthy, educated, refined (musicians prt'crred), you can lie one of a select automobile party of four to visit every state capital In the union, a year's trip; great money makiiut scheme; particular at interview. Address Us, Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE We have stocks dry goods, clothing, shoes and groceries, doing paying business, In country towns that can be had cheap for cash or exchange for farm property. Also have 125-barrel full roller process flour mill In Palouse county, Washington, for side or exchange.

Macltue tk. Buxton, 533 Guaranty building. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. COLFAX MINERAL WATER Will permanently cur constipation; we guarantee results; $1.75 per six gallon case. The Glenwood-Inglewood au3 Hennepin.

GRKFN and dry mill wood; oak, maple, tamarack'. Plymouth Lbr. 4 Lbr Exch; tel. CIaSinTToUT the largest stnek of second hand goods In Minneapolis; 1.000 fine cook stoves, ranges and heaters. $1.50 and upwards; beds and springs 50c; furniture of every description; 500 counters, shelving, shew cases, safes; 10 delivery wagons, carriages, must be sold 1C27 Washington av H.

I'A RTIES leaving city will sell stoves, furniture snd huuse held goods cheap. Call at 2219 Twenty-fourth av S. $00 LATEST oak While sewing machine, cheap; Domestic, White, Household, $3. Elmer, 720 Flist av S. HEADQUARTERS for Radiant Home healers; latest Jewel heater, $11; cook Htovea, Sterling $10.

502 Fourth av S. FOR SALE-Flne Domestic sewing machine, Singer, good Davis, snaps It taken at once. Clinton av. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, CASH paid for all kinds of household goods. Don't sell before getting an estimate from Th Town Market, 25-27 Fifth 8, telephone Wi VNTED-Old gold watches and Jewelry.

Rent 36fi Nicollet, over old Plymouth corner. WANTED-Law and miscellaneous books of all kinds. Gocdyear Book 319 Hennepin av WANTEIi To buy all kinds second-bund clothing, fui-s. bicycles, shoes; send postal card. S.

M. LaboVUZ. 21S Washington STOVES-Heaters, slightly used, at less than half-price; 500 of the best mukes to select from at the Town Market, 25 and 27 Fifth at HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE, WANTED AND TO EXCHANGE. LUMBERMEN TAKE NOTICE. From 300 to too head of heavy logging and draft horses, weighing from l.Suo to l.tnH) pounds, are always kept In stock, with fresh conslgnmsnta received dally at Barrett Zimmerman' Horse Market, Minnesota Transfer, St.

Paul, Minn. FROST It sale stable, headquarters for sale of all clasaes of huises. 12 Second st N. $15 TAKES a good little driving mare, taken on a debt; must be sold, bloom Stable, it Eighth st S. DEAD horses and cattle promptly removed from any part of city, 50 cents apiece.

John Hog-lund. Tel. 2435 3 Main. WANTED A carload of common horses at once; wurkers and drivers; also harness and buggies. 711 Second av 8.

HAVE you a horse you wish to dispose of? Drive to 203 Second av 8 and exchange It for one to youi liking. Johu Getsman, Manager. ever iuL Yrr on an 3-'- Hf-n ie.4n a-. jANNKt, rWinx, UoiiM-s lo w' an. I r-t to sliitvj the ril ant try roii rkt 5Eot 9.

half-prl; 5, rf the b- to from at the Town Market, 25 ftn tl Ffh at 8 STOVE REPAIRS. RPArFlS for Or-at Western btova Kepal.jia Hennepin av. UL Si. BICYCLES. Kf Haters, slightly used, at than ha.f-price; ysi of the best make to seit from 1 25 n327 Flftn S.

YCi-' ft almoHt nw. 'rl7frseli Fourth av S. Hotel and hestairast supplied OYSTER PAN9. oyster broilers, oyster steam-rs. Jaaney 2M Second av 8.

MO VI SO. Fuel Co- has unequaJe4 fael lti.s for movmg and storing houhal4; packing for etorugo and shipment by experienced men. Office 46 Bo. 3d at. Tel 861 Main.

STOVE REPAIRS. TOVK HICPAIKS-Buy of us, puV4hem in your-seir and sava ir S6 ourlhv p. Telephone 614-i; STORM SASH. GET OUR prices on all kinds of sash and -Sensible Btorm 44ty Sash and Door 230 Fourth st S. PERSONAL.

LADIES A friend In need 1 a friend Indeed: If you want a regulator that never fails, ad- dress JWomen Medical Home, Buffalo. N. Y. LRI PURE CH 1PPE WA-The purest 'and softest natural water known; total solids per gallon only 2.08 gains; 76c per six-gallon case. ThQlenwood-lnglewood 303 Hennepin av.

DR. ATT, located IS year av. lias had Sir years of wonderful success In curing men and women of all sexual, kidney, blood or wasting diseases. Visit him or writ him free and get cured. Ew ITCHKH: WITCH E8! SWlTCHRSI 0c and up; send for our new catalogue.

Feely 4 Crocker, SIS and 617 Nicollet av. LADIES Free, harmless, monthly regulator; fall. Mr. B. Rowan, Milwaukee, WI.

RU ITU RED See Crollu. expert.ToN, Y. Life bldg; elastic stockings, abdominal and utsrln supporters In my line. LADIEH everywhere us Iexlngton's Frenoh capsules, the great French regulator, thoroughly reliable, absolutely safe; sealed pap tlcutar free. Lexington Chemical Station Chicago.

DR. BLY, splist in diseases of women; private home In confinement. Book 15o, all yon need to know. Ofllce 27 Fourth et S. MRS.

Ll'NU'S strictly private home for ladte before and through coufkiement. 1432 Fifth it NE. DIAMONDS, watches, clocks, silverware and Jewelrv on easy payments. Jacobs 41 Nicollet. MRS.

IDA JOHNSON (graduated), private retreat and home for ladles before and during confinement. Hi Fifth st S. tel. main 466-L-, III. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator ha brought happiness lo hundreds of anxious women; have never had a Bingle failure; longest (ases relieved In two to five days without fall; no pain, no danger; no interference with work; by mall or ofllce, all letters truthfully answered.

The Munslleld Remedy 1H7 Deurborn Chloag.o, HI, bToVES Heaters, slightly used, at less than hulf-priee; 600 of the best makes to select from at the Town Market. 25 and 27 Fifth st 8. FURS The finest Tine of collarettes In city at lowest prices, $3 up; furs reimired and altered; prices moderate. Huha-hek, furrier, 4' NIC. A LADY wishes advice from a eareful business man.

Tribune. FINE baby girl (or adoption at 5 Hi Ninth st S. Taka Fourth av car to Ninth st. LADIES "ablnet vrtsir bath at 522 Medical Block. Mrs.

b. Warner, with Rameny Toilet Co. GENTLEMAN of 30 wislma tu form the ao-iliiuintance of refined lady of middle age, Scandinavian preferred, with a vtew to matrimony. Box 171, Cnsj-kston, C. T.

Fraker. DIVINE HEALER, back to Minncapolia, No. 3S Ninth st S. Joseph LaChanee. DR.

GOO-DALE'S SANITARIUM Is situated at No, Sixteenth st, corner Hennepin av. We treat al this hospital all kinds of chronic diseases, and cine our patients. Those living out of the city will find this sanitarium very homelike. Consultation free. LADIES Fur garments to order and repaired; finest line ot collarettes very reasonable.

Rohert Neumann, practical furrier, 701-703 Nlc- ollet. LADY, alone, will share home, giving exclusive use of bedroom and sitting room, with renned lady over 30; reasonable; not central, but desirable. Address 74. Tribune: PROFESSIONAL hypnotist, Kllninn, cures ail diseases or hahlts without niedlclne. Teach hypnotism In 20 lessons, Wo each, by ofllce or mall, from 10 a.

m. to p. m. 607 Fifth KV S. MILLINERY Ol'ENINtl, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week.

Swell hats, all kinds. Bring this ad and get extra, rebate the above days on trimmed hats: lowest prieea in city. Open evenings this week. The Millinery Supply ill Nicollet ao TlS.TlmooivS can be found at 2o7 Fifth st S. third floor.

Free, with the compliments of The Mln- nea polls Tribune, a neat vest pocket edl- tion of the "Up-to-Date Cycle Record Htsik." It contains a list of fifty local bt- cycle routes, all the Important cycling records of past years, cuts of famous fast wheelmen, and L. A. W. official cycle rules, and other matter of Interest to rid- ers. Call and get one at Tribune want advertisement counter fee of charge.

It i will be mailed to any address on receipt -( of 4o in postage stamps. 4- 4-S-4- -H- MEDlCAL. 611 BECOND AV 8 Electric massage, one hour' treatment. tub baths. 26c.

Open Sundays. BATII-PAItLOK, porcelain tuba, massage, alcohol ruba. foimerly of (Wo Hennepin av, now located at 3711 Wabasha St. Paul. MEDICATED, team and vapor baths, pof.i and alcohol rub.

630 Hennepin av, room SUPERIOR cabinet and salt glow baths by experienced masseuse of Boston. 129 Sixth st 8. ground floor, side entrance, select. FIRST-CLASS massage and bath parlor over 32 Sixth st flat 1. Hours 10 to MEDICATED sponge and alcohol baths at JI7 Third av N.

formerly of II) Seventh st N. A TI IP AHLO It now located at 1224 Washington av In a clean, quiet place; massage, alcohol baths and hygienic sweats. FIRST-CLASS massage, alcohol, vapor, sponge and porcelain tub baths, given at 39 Washington av 8, room 2i FlRSfTLASS massage treatment and plain sponge hatha 223 Finn st ASS AGE Medicated steam baths and electric, sponge and alcohol rub and furnished room. 411 Hennepin av. BATYCani" manicuring parlors, 241 Third avenue north, lobe right.

IIATH parlors at 417 Second av room Plain sponge, alcohol and massage bath given. Hours 10J.Q 10. 7.DIKSChlchesler's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable: take no other; send 4c In stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies." In letter by return mall. At druggists.

Chichester Chemical Philadelphia, Pa. I I UK lol'S sponge baths, alcohol rubs and massage treatment: expert operator; nrst-claaa only. lj Eleventh av 8, house cta back. CLAIRVOYANTS. STOVES-Heaters, (lightly used, at lea than half-price 500 of th best makes to select from at Hie Town MarketjJKjiind Klfth MME'sO'FIKLuirclalrvoyant, 31 Sixth at 8, give's dim clicdeuiuiajandhursyjtvn MADAM BATCH, card reader and paliulat; tea iKi and 600.

620 Flth MME." MAURETTE, astrologist and palmlat. (CO NIc. Reading. Iltc-Wo. to Room MA DA SCH El KOU RT palmWy.

clairvoyant and trance medium; also give magnetic treatment; price reasonable, ft central av, flat lSatlsfactlun guaranteed. heal alcknes. remove vll In-aiiences unites the separated, make phrenological examinational give, advice on buslneaa. marriage, family trouble. Writ ot caii.

Ie24 Hennepin. PROF LA VARDE. 2 Seventh 8 Tha well known medium and plmlt give honest and truthful Information on all affair of life. Letter wtth lamp answered. jTriTTIam6nT, the great Ufa advte love, marrl.g.

buamea. and al affairs; names; satisfaction guaranteed; readings We. 1U Sixth 8, fiat 1. MADAM a ANDREW'S, clairvoyant, at Nlntk st 8. Tak Fourth av8 car to Ninth (t.

MMEPEDERStNthe well known trance ma-dliiiu. past and future gv busi; advice, aujusis eases, traces Unit and stolen property, eto. Tl who foretold Kitty Ola, 1,1., Addrew ilent-pia a. COLLECTING, traveling for jobbers, work. rei.poni.ioie (si'lon hy tr istworihj.

young man. highly best refer-euie-i; al Iress. Tribune. MAN wants w-s-k; understands horse; run milk; care or lurtiacs, Work around liousa. VS iso, llankalo Hotel, W'asblagton av S.

WA NTEI) Position as statkmary fireman by young man; have had aome. exjierience. Address J. W. Paine, Holway.

Minn. WAN'TEIe-Plaice to work for board by rellahla man attending Archibald col-g, L-Ua at cor Stevctia av. Call at college. ACCOUNTANT and all round rfSi man. ishes position from (Jet.

nsoderate salary to begin with; highest reference, 2d, Tribune. WANTED By a flrst-claas coachman; beat of reference. 4J Fourth at 8. COACHMAN who understands his business, wants position; city references. Room 615 Sixth Bt 8.

MIDDLE-AGED business and office man. thoroughly competent, greatly needs employment; would accept winter tatt1on, small salary; unquestioned references. 63. Tribune. Steady work for a nice heavy pair of horses and dray.

M. Tribune. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALES. WANTED Dressmaking, plain aewdng; and children's clothes, win go out by the day. Call or address 3li Ninth at HE.

FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD girl wishes place to tend store or work In doctor's or dentist's office; must have work soon. Address a. Tribune. LADIES, why not stop In at 1019" Fourth av 8 and sea how reasonable you can get your sewing done? No fraud. LADIES, have your lace curtains done at 1015 Fourth av work guaranteed satisfactory; work called for and delivered.

EDUCATED lady of good presence and business ablllu- desires position to travel for reliable wholesale house. 6S, Tribune. A NTED Washing, acrubbing or house clean-lng by the day. 715 Van Horen st NE. OKEICR work by young lady, graduated as bookkeeper, lias experience; Will begin with small salary; give first-class city references.

31. Tribune PANTS and vest maker would like poeltlon at once. Address 27. Tribune. WANTED By attractive young woman, poal-tion as housekeeper for three or four gentlemen In down-town fiat.

Answer at once. 75, Tribune. A COLORED woman with one child two. years old. would like a situation In family of two to do light housework.

ti. Tribune. COMPETENT dressmaker desire work in families. Address P. o3 Third st N.

YOUNG lady would like sewing; 5 years experience Call or address Miss Ida Washburn, 11 University av SE. WANTED By competent young lady, general ofllce work or as cashier; am experienced; am In need. Address 83, Tribune. LADY will give lesson In embroldory for 15c an hour, and do work at 15c. per hour.

YOUNG widow with little boy would keep house for respectable widower; no tiiflera need answer. 623 Cedar av, third floor. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer would like position; good penman; moderate salary. 81. Tribune.

WANTED Situation as second girl or light housework; no washing, ml. Penn av N. CIRCULARS addressed by competent young lady, rapid and aceurate; beat city references. Address 40. Tribune.

COMPETENT accountant wishes a set of b'eikB to balance: successful in work; best city references. Address 15. Tribune. WANTKI A few washing and Ironing places; prices reasonable and aatiisfactton guaranteed. Address or call 95 Eleventh st upstairs.

WANTED Vests to sew by a competent tall-oress; satisfactory work guaranteed. Second floor 1316 Ninth st B. WANTED Office work by young lady graduate aa bookkeeper; moderate salary; would prefer place where there Is chance for advancement. C. 5u3 Tenth av S.

COMPETENT young lady stenographer desires tsrsltlon; operates any machine; best references; honest and trustworthy. Addree Stenographer, 710 Twenty-tiflh av S. YOUNG lady with high school education wishes position as clerk or office assistant. M. Vi room 24, 424 Wabasha at, St.

i'aui. COMPETENT seamstress, 75o per day. S. Cos Sixteenth av S. if -U it is -Ct tc it it ii REMOVAL KOTICE.

We have removed our general office from 220-H Washington av to No. 11 Fourth st R. ground floor. MINNEAPOLIS GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ir TV tr ir ir ir ir FIRST-CLASS lady cook wants situation In ho tel or restaurant.

Call at 407 Third st N. WANTED PosltU-n aa governess by college graduate; three years experience; best recom mendatlons. 29, Tribune. WANTED Position as housekeeper for gentle man or widower with one or two children. Address or call C.

8., S.41 Hiawatha av. A DRESSMAKER, aewlng In families, wishes a few more entragements, price 13, Tribune. MUST have position as housekeeper or in store at once. 6, I rltiune. MIDDLE-AGED widow would like position as working housekeeper In a reepectable widower's family.

Call or address 2'3 Sixth av S. MIDDLE-AGED lady's daughter would like sit uation as housekeeper and helper; no objection to leaving city; good references, K0, Trih une. YOUNG LADY stenographiT with some expert ence desires position, wilting to assist in office. 30, Tribune. YOUNG LADY wishes to occupy either fore ncsm or aftcrnoou with sewing, copying; will work cheap; needs work badly.

Address 81, Tribune. YOl'NG lady would like situation as bookkeeper. Address T. F. 711 Hennepin av.

WANTEI By a Canadian girl, $2 a week and music lessons In exchange for housework; willing to go out of city. 47, Tribune. SEWING in shop or by day; can give references. 4li23 Colfux av N. WOULD like a place to do chamber work or office work or plain sewing.

Miss Ida Washburn. 13 East Eighteenth st. POSITION by lady lo take care of doctor's office or work in small family. Address 1S1C Seventh et H. WANTED Washing, ironing or housecleaning.

by day. Call 528 University ay SV WANTED A position as clerk In a dry goods or grocery store by a girl of 16; no experience. Address 509 Tenth av S. DRESSMAKER Would like all kinds of sewing In families, children's clothes a specialty. Call or address foil Tenth av S.

SITUATION In dressmaking establishment for general w-irk. 21, Tribune POSITION by pleasant young lady as cashier, or In dentist's office, at once. Call 220 Fifth st N. GIRL want plnep to help where she can he off some afternoons; general housework preferred. Twelfth av S.

EDUCATED young lady wanls ofltce work, or a place as cashier; need work. Address Miss G. FlrstavS. WANTEI1- By lady of 40, position as housekeeper with eight rooms of furniture; answer with full particulars at once. M7, Tribune.

WANTEI To give lessonrt In embroidery nt Sic. or do work at 15c an.lioutt. Address 22, Tribune. HELP WANTED MALE. MONEY to patent your Ideas may be obtained through our aid.

The Patant Record, Baltimore, Md, HAM AND EGGS, potatoes, coffee and bread. 10c; Ice cream with our tUnncc. Flour City Restauranl. 204 Hennepin av. WANTED Men to get their shoes half-soled for 50c; ladles and boys, 4ilc; best white oak sols leather, while you waitat-709 Hennepin av.

MEN Our free catalogue esplwlns how we teach barber trade In eight weeas. Moler Barber College. 'MV Washington av S. YOUNG MAN For a thorough business and Shorthand education, aft'-ml Archibald's college, Lake st, corner Stevens av. Day and evening sessions.

iiifj MEN WANTED at Aprds -River Falls, near Somerset, by Engineering Contract C. laborers $1 a duy e-r CAToN SCHOOL of Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, English training, day and evening. Kntumce through elevator In New Store, Nlcol'et av, Miiii.eiipolis. MINSTREL people wanted, also trap drummer and oiIkt musicians who can double. Address La Roy Millard, Waukesha.

Wis. WANTEl At once, an experl-nced tailor. Address A. G. Lee, Little Falls, Minn.

WANTED Tobacco salesmen, also advertising distributors; salary. Triumph Information Dallas, Texas. GOVERNMENT POSITIONSI ont prepare fr l.ny civil service or census examinations without seeing our catalogue of Information, sent fre-i. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. C.

WANTEDFIrst-class machinist; must be first-class. American Type Founders 24-29 First st S. LABORERS at St. Anthony Park. Minnesota Transfer.

Inquire at oil milt. $1.75 per day, steady work. WANTED Cook at restaurant. 241 Cedar av. WILANDElt'H perfected system school; a tailor's business education.

Evening school commences Oct. 2. Patterns cut. Northwestern Hennpln av. WAiNTED Tie makers, pulp wood cutters, swangers, woodmen, highest pay: ail winter work; free fare.

73(1 Lumber Exchange. Till dim; HA NUII OFFICES. Sooth Minneapolis. A. J.



DRUG STORK Cor. Fourth av and Franklin MATT A. WITTICIT. DRUG STORK J4.M Hlcaimlngton av WM. MARCHRANK.


Alex Godart, manager, Ninth at 8. Tel. H22-L-I main. MKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wm. Palmer and wife to A.

W. Millard, lots 11 and 12, block 10, Park addition, IK.D. Brattlehoro Savings Hank to A. Molln. part of lot block lo.

Wright's additionally. W. K. Marshall and wlf to H. L.

Wright, in section 33, township 117, range 23, K. S. Ieigliton et al. (Executors; to C. J.

Keller, part of lot 5. blie Lake of the Isles, II.IM). J. Olson and wife to K. C.

King, part of lot 4, block IX. Lenrion Neweirs addition. R. C. King and wife to M.

O. Meteyard, part of lot 4. block is, lnnon N'ewall'a addition, im Minneapolis Trust Co. to F. L.

Hopkins, In sections 17 and Is, township 117, range 23, $3,200. Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank to Wm. Butters, In Remington Park fourth division, 3, 'SO. I). Hal- i Receiver) to W.

Realty and Investment lot 4, block 5, Smith Ball's rearrangement, teoo. W. Realty and Investment Co. to M. Schennum, lot 4, block 5, Smith Bell's rearrangement, Will.

M. Mettyard to A. Farmer, part of lot 4, block IK. Lonnon Newell' addition. 1375.

K. Thomas and husband to L. J. Jerdee, lots and lo, block 1. Monroe Street addition, I2IW.

H. L. Henry and wife to W. Loftua, lot 12. bl'iek 1.

Crepeau's addition, 4r0. Minneapolis Trust Co. to L- J. Jerdee, lots and lo. block 1, Monroe Street addition, 7A A.

Ob key and ife to E. A. Dickey and husband, lot 11, Stephans' addition to Wayiata, IOiX). Columbia Heights Building Co. to Minneapolis Improvement lots 1 snd t.

block 102, lot 4, bi('k 119, Columbia Heights. 2.f, Guaranty Savings Pnnk to A. Molln, part of lot 8. block l'l, W'righCs addltlon.130. J.

O. Johnson and wife to F. A. Bovey. lot 10, libs 4.

lot 10, block 1. in Johnson's addition. Five minor dee-is, T'alT'rf deeds. IKi.742. CRADLE, ALTAR AM) THE GRAVE.

Hirths, HERBERT Mr. and Mrs. John, 025 Central ave nue, a son. blilTZ Mr. and Mrs.

John, 624 Thirteenth ave nue, a da ug titer. I.E lil.AV' Mr. and Mrs. Damase. 2304 Monroe atret northeast, a daughter.

FISH Mr. and Mrs. George, K50 llioomington avanue, a son. McRAE Mr. and Sins.

James teenth street east, a son. Eigh- I.HEI'.I.Y Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, 11J5 Hryant avenue north, a son. NATHANSON-Mr.

and Mrs. Harry, 172IW Sixth str-'et south, a son. Marriage I.leenaea. Rudolph W. Hretr.

and Emily O. L. tteaoker Paul E. Kmyon and Ida M. Vedeen Charles K.

opltz and Clara Hein. David Heruley and Gussle Vows. Death. PINN EY Frances Lucretia, 220 Sixth street south, cerebral throtr.bosis, aged 64 yeara RIE Tobias Like street west, Bright', aged 47 jttaes. KNUHICKSVtrearge St.

Barnabas Hospital, chronic parenchynithoe, iiged 41' years SToI.PE Cari, 716 Fifteenth avenue south, poisoning, aged 21 yeare. O'MEAKA- William. Fifth street south, abdominal dropsy with heart failure, aged 63 years. AHfWalter, 1( 15 Sheridan avenue north, spinal meningitis, aged 1 years. MOOS C.

aortic regurge-tateor and stensis, aged '4 years LOCKE In this city. Sept. 27, ISI-9, Mrs. Charles Ixs-ke, aged 38 years. Funeral Kriday at 2 p.

from residence, 811 Thirty-first street west: ilTl'ATIONS WAlltED- ALEv shorthand writer wanta temporary position; is also a first-class accountant and all around office man. Address J4, Tribune. YOUNG-MAN of good habita wants to work for board and room while attending college. Address 715 Flimore st E. lit iN EST bjy of 17 would like to learn the Jewelry trade; baa tome experience in hard aolder-lng Address 14.

Tribune MAN wants work: understands horses, cows, care of farms or work around house. Address M. Wise, 2l2'-i Washington av Mankato iteL YoT'n'G MAN wants position aa grocery clerk, acquainted with city; has had experience; can give references. Address 132 East Fifteenth st. EXPERIENCED mule nurse with best city references, open for engagement.

Please address 28, Tribune. WANTEl Steady work tending horses or cow; work board house; no furnace; very deaf. Don't answer if deafness Interferes; any work. 23, Tribune. BOY wants place to work for board and attend school: only those In North Side High school district need answer.

41, Tribune. GOOD butcher wants position In meat market. Address Leo Helchel, 2i'k1 Twentieth av S. EXPERIENCED general store clerk, wants position wltn b'g firm, with good chance for advancement. Address K.

411 Fifth st S. YOUNG man seeks position In clothing store es salesman; sp-aks Scandinavian; salary no object. Oscar Llndgren. Roberts, Wis. WANTED By reliable man, place to do chores for room and board, while attending business college; write or call, E.

1010 Second av 8. YOUNG man, 20 years of age, has some office experience, desires sisitlon, good pen man, good references. 3, Irinune. WANTED In meat market; has two years' experience. 38, Tribune.

SoUNG man. business collega graduate, two years' experience shipping clerk, desires a position; good references. 82, Tribune. BY YOUNG man, 23, aa janitor or coachman; sober and honest; will work cheap and good; city references. 40, Tribune.

ENGINEER with best of references from last employer would like to take charge of heating or running plant. WANTED by experienced party, to take charge of stocked hennery on shares, strictly temperate and industrious. Ho 2214Chlcago av. PHOTO printer wants work either in city or mall town. Address J.

IM3 Washington av S. FIRST-CLASH cook wants situation, meat and pustry took, In city or country. Address L. J. Webster, General Delivery.

St. Paul. EXPERT accountant desires a position; best of city references. 30, Tribune. SITUATION wnnted by an all around shopman, nil Harvester av, Winona, Minn.

MI ST have work oi some kind by young married man; will do Janitor work. Green, 87 Seventh st S. ACCOUNTANT wants work aa bookkeeper or ofllce man; competent: state salary. Address M. O.

pelavel, 629 Sixth avH: WANTED Indoor work of any kind by nild-dle-aged man, moderate salary. Address M. C. C29 Sixth av S. WANTED Work by an experienced kitchen man.

hotel or restaurant. Address 33, Tribune. MAN wants situation In private family; understands care fine horses and carriages; can milk; best references. 37, Tribune YOUNG man desires an ofllce position; good references. 37, Tribune.

WANTED Work to take care of furm; have experience and best of references. 88, Tribune. HOTEL clerk wishes position; competent young man; city or country: late member 13th Minnesota volunteers; references. C. W.

Nelson, Wlnthrop, Minn. POSITION wanted by a married man, good penman, bst of reference. A. 1310 East Franklin av. BAKEK on bread or cake, can take full charge; good references.

Address 38, Tribune. SITUATION wanted; understands care of ateam boilers, and can cans for horse. Address 88, Tribune. FIRST-CLASH eoachman wanta position; -ood references. 120 Fourth at B.

I'HO( I I I nt VKHll'K V. IN THK lilKTIUI OM'KT OK THIS V.N1TED W'l'ATKH K'lH THIi IjISTKKT UK KOIHTH IN THK MATTKlt of THOMAS O'CONNOR, HAN K.H! 1'T. IN HA N'Khl l'T V. To the Honorable Mlllam I'im'n. Ju.lxe of tlm Olatrict emu of trio Umte-l Statea for the l'ixTrt-t ff Th.n,ai4 of MlnncHiiolta, In the county of Hftiii'-piit, and taie of MinncHola, In aald dlatrtit, reprewtnu Uial un tlia 26ih lay of August, A.

lifm, lant pant, hi- wan duly a.ljoiK.-il a und'r the n-U of n-oillnK to that he ha duly nui r-n li-1 all lila property and rlRhla of iirniirrty, and had folly oomphed th all tho rtKiolreirn-ntn of a.ild acta, and the or.iera the cwurt touching hia barik-ruptf-y, 'hTforc, praya that he may be decreed by the court to have a full dlsohargfi from ail hit dWtU provable aanirist lila eatale under Bald acta, except such dents aa are ej.ted law from mifh dim I'llled this 27th day or September, A. V). 1S99. THOMAS O'CONNOR, bankrupt. OltlJKU OK NOTICR OK HEAUINO ON I)IS-I'HARUK, MKTUICT OK HIN.NKSUTA, FOCHTH DIVIS-1 IN aa.

On thlt day r.f Heplemlier, A. D. 19, on reading tlw foregoing petition. It la: Ordered by the court, that a heaxina" he had iion the. ame on tha 14th day of Octotier, A.

IM9. before Fald court at the Federal curt room, in the Kderal liultdlnK, in the city of Minneapolis, in aald dlhtrh t. at two o'cliw In the afternoon; and that notice thereof he puhllehed cure In The Minneapolis Tiihune, a newxpaiier printed in auld district, and that all known cri-ditora and other per-a na In Interest may aoi.ear at aald time and place and ahow cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. And It ordered by the court that the clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of aald petition and this order, addretoied to them at their places of residence hs stated. Witness the Honorable "William Tyorhren, Jti'le of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Minneaiioiis.

In aald district, on the 27th (lay of Hepternber, A. I). IW. CIIARI.KS 8PKNCKR. t.Tetk.


To the Creditors of Ftederlck H. H.ardman, of Minoeni.r.ii, In the t'ouniy of Hr-nnepin, and aforrsiild. a Notice la herehy given that on the Knd day of September. A. ti.

I. me aid Krederl H. was duly aiijudlcatel lnKrwpt; and that the fist meeting ft his creditors will lie Iflu at. room Federal building, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the loth day of October. A.

Ii. Iktfi. at ten o'ebs'k In tlw forenoon, at which lime me said creditors may attend, prove their claln.a. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may properly come before aald meet sng. Minlii-apolls, Minnesota, Peptember 27th.

O. C. MKKKIMAN. Referee In bankruptcy. Ts tu Vi 17iiffui -r; nr thk i niteo lT.TKH FOR THK I HKTKK.T OK MINNESOTA.

F'lI'liTH IdVISIoN IN THK MATTKlt OF CHAKI.KS A. HANKIOT'T, IN HAN UIT'TCY. To the Hole rdhl William lyichren, Jiniae of the district court of the flitted States for the district of Mirnesota: Charles A. Nelin, of the city of Minneapolis. In the county of Hennepin and state of Minnesota.

In said district, respectfully represents trial on the day of AUiifl, last past, he whs duly adju leed bankrupt under the acts of congrees relating to bankruptcy: that he has duly surrendered all his and ripM" of property. has fully con, plied with all the ments of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankrupre). Wherefuie he prays that he may be decreed by th court to have a full discharge from all I ts provable against his estate under hat krupt acts, except auch ilehts as ate ejt-epted bv law from soch discharge. laled this day of Hept-rnUr, A. 1.


On this 27th day of September. A. T. lr. on rea tig the foregoing petition.

It Is: Ordered by the court, that a hearing be had ll-n the same on the Hlh day of October. A. I. Ii. before court, at Minneapolis, In said district, at two o'clock in Hie afternoon; and thit notice thereof be published In The Minneapolis 'i'rlhntie, a newspaper printed In said district, snd (hat all known creditors and other persons In Interest may appear at the said time and place an 1 s.n.w cauye.

If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And It la further ordered by the court, that the clerk shut! send by mall to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at then' places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable William Lochren. Judp-e of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Minneapolis. In said district, on the 27th dav of A.

O. CHARLES L. SPENCER, (Court lieal.) Clerk. FtOIIERT r. MAUKV.


To the Honorable William Lochren. judge of the diettlct court of the United States, for the district of Minnesota: William C. Hush. In the county of Hennepin, and stattf of Minnesota. In said district, respectfully represents that on the 27th day of July.

1S6. he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the act of congress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered nil his i r. perty and all rights of property, and has fully compiled with all the requirements of said act. and of the orders of court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may decreed by the court to have a full discharge from all deMs provable against bis estate under said bankruptcy act, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge.

Oated at Minneapolis, this 27th day of Hepternber. WILLIAM C. HUSH, Bankrupt. DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA. On this 27th day of September, JSi, on reading the foregoing petition, it is: Ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 14th day of October.

before said court, at the Kedrral Building, in the city of Minneapolis, in said district, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, and that notice thereof be published in The Minneapolis Tribune, a newspaper printed In said district, and that all known creditors and others in Interest may appear at the twtid lime and place, and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of aald petitioner should not be granted. It is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors, copies of SHld petition and order, addressed to them at their place of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable William lochren. Judge of fnl1 court and the seal thereof, at Minneapolis, In said district, on this 27th day of September, lw.

CHARLES L. SPENCER. (Court Seal.) Clerk. By ROBERT r. MA BEY, Deputy Clerk.

F. V. ROOT. Attorney for Bankrupt, 25 ''Milwaukee" Station. Mlnnetitsjlls, Minn.

aUSIXBSS FKHSO.MALS. JAMES V. WILLIAMSON Patent law, law and soliciting. Guaranty Ixian Building, Minneapolis; 921 at, Washington, 1). C.

IS years' practice. Telt phone Number Under headings "Wanted," "For Sale, Rent." "To Exchange." "Personals." etc "For taken at CENTS a line; count seven words for each lino. Where caah accompanies the advertisements one cent for each word. No advertisements taken for less than 20 cents. Abbreviations counted as one word, cumpuund words as two words.

Advertisements received after 10 p. in. are too late to classify. TltllllAi: BRANCH OFFICES. MinnpnpoIlM.


HUGHES, DRUG STORE 300 Central av GEO. A. ROSE, DRUG STORE 211 Central av HENRY BUEHLER, DRUG STORK 747 Adama st 'I It I HlMl Hit Will OFFICES. North Mlnuenpolla. JOHN J.

OGO, DRUG STORK 230 Twentieth av ROBERTSON CRAP8ER DRUG iSureessorii to IB. Bhumplk.) DRtIO STORE Washington and 20th avs L. A. HANKS, DRUG STORE Camden Place O. A.

B1NGENHK1MF.R, DRUG FTORE 642 Sixth av DRUG STORK 1S20 Sixth JOHN F. DA NEK, DRUG STORE 1223 Washington av O. B. SKINNER, DRUG STOKE eJUO Washington av 1..

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