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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 2

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 2

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


DiFffllliPsiii BrnQ Girl, Minne Emerson; George Washington, Robert Kirke; Stiilor, Karl liarbaugh; Dom-ii Louise Jjindeko, Peasant Girl, Mamie Heard; Cavalier, John Heard; Soldier, Robert Heard; Folly, Matfie Foster: Summer, GtitieFcx; Page, Waller Johnson; Flower Girl.Ileliu Warner; Rainbow, Vallie Piiice, in Cincerella, Zininra. Helen Smith; l'atienoe, Minnie Wm.zer; Cavoikr, Charles Wanzer; Folly, Carrie ltiiphes; Berenice, Ida Hnghes; Etuiry Hieee, lNwriunn Mctnley; Flower Girl, Annie (iutiiiie; Archer, Robin Stewart; Autumn, Cornelia Van Etteii; Winter, Bessie Sa-er; llowir Girl, Grace Brackett; Sailer, A hn 1 inehont; Cotirtier, Filruer Miller; lollj, Miiiv'e Franklin; Prince, Harry Allen; Jin fie, 1 mse Jackson; Peasant Girl, riara Jack Flower Girl, Alice Keuyon; Fancy Di ess, Alice Kittson; Fautiy Diia, l'ehrie Kitlnt Fancy Dress, May Kittson; rohlen iu, Bnel en Warner; Polish Lady, Abbie, nn Harry Warner; Flower Girl, Grace Warner; Glouuer, Ilattie Holiiies. MONTHLY ItErOliTS. Rnlton'B divifion, of nsrthwiwt qimr- tor, t'on Stl. tow 29.

rrK 440 I'obt, D. IVrret to Wnrj Ellun Mcl)ooll, lot tili'lc )i, of lM-dm aii b00 b. 1). liirl lo H. rvwr, lot Id, block 11, in i Kohbort ad liti.Ki 100 FmiiLlin J.

Young to Kathwrina IoIh 19 and 'J1, bio. JiU; A Hrwkii r. line's addition 1708 Htmii ljii i bright to illinm Holulrt, lot a. bkck5 S.uhurban Hills 4J) Julian V. llrjHiit and Nona Itrjunt to CIh.

borne S. liohrnr, lot ti, and 24 in block fi in Smith's subdivision of block 6 of fcutou'a diY.aion of north- ft quarter of Sflctio.i I John M. and Albart Arm-trorg to J. P. (jubbon, wet half of lot "ofl Imto's Ru'idifisinn of lot 1, Liock IS of Whitney A Smith' Kildifioa 7.5V3 I).

1. Merrill to Jolm J. SteiHeaml An-drew SfBieti. lot block llo of Wht tit. Paid protHirty i )J Jnuio lliilonto Urouhcr, lot aepovdiiiK to a plat of bind dosig-l atcd "Hi)im8 for the Arl.eni liopTS to Win.

IXinlnp, lot 4. block 1, Baulli A Williams' Kip'nirn David SI. I'obbiim to Kitlie liallanl, lot block 7, Nimr.Rcr'i addition Rtt Jon jditSilktoClihw. ('. I'ai'diild.

lot Arc now all work and business. Every 0110 of their many dcpartniciits arc crowded fur room to place the many new Spring Goods, wbicb are arriving every day. More. clerks have been engaged than evr before, and they are preparing in every way to do the largest business that low prices, choice gocds and an increased 80,000 population can do in the city of Minneapolis. HEGEMJAUM BROS, received last week a complete mountain of DRESS GOODS in all the new and popular shades, wide all-wool goods, in any shade you may wish, from 50c.

per yard upwards. They have also opened the largest line of HUMMER SILKS ever oneiied in Minneapolis, and are selling them wonderful buying Summer and cannot con cheap; everybody who knows of them is Silks. People who live outside the city veniently come may semi promptly forwarded to them. also lull ol business. Dots ot oruers lor opera miineis have bun and are being filled.

IWJcs this, the-mw goods, rucb as Hats, Plumes, Flowers, Ribbons and Lace are corn-in ir so rapidly just now, that Soelbaum's Millinery Depart- nient called resemhies iuie striKin 1 11 MM 1 i a nusv oeelnve. 1 ins larcest stock of its kind in the fine work are so attractive as to hold every old customer and win new ones every dav. Segelbaum Bros'. CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT is another place that stands at the very head of anything in its line. New goods, the latest of everything in Spring Wraps, such a Dolmans, Gapes, Jackets, blisters, Suits and Costumes for Ladies and All sizes aro being opened and plenty of them sold every day.

Good goods and low prices win every time, and this is the positive motto at SEGELBAUM BROS'. 257-259 NICOLLET JVEIlTlsrBA.FOIjIS. SAMPLES SENT lor samp 's, which will )0 Their Millinery, Department i I 'll ii ly and miiriii properiv he deitartnient carries lv far the A A citv. and its low prices and ON APPLICATION MINN. Tenis and Wagon Covers, THE REASONS WHY Elweil's Addition Is a success and filling up so rapidly, are: Firet The substantial ita improvemcnUt.

chaacttir'of Bocoiid-TLe variety awl elt'ganoe oC ita LotisoB, no two be ing ulike. Tliirel Wo Lave a continuous si-lo-wulk all over the addition. Fourth-W' have Jo troos on every Fiflh-We Boll only to tho cIims of i.ooplo, who are willing to keep ilM with tha alroidy cotu-rneiiced. Sixth No Iriiihlin of value IhlK) can bo and mum bceoia-plt ted within his uiutitliH frosu tima ot coiimieiieeuHiiit. A ohoico hompss ypt loft at vory low prii'i a and on roasouaiilii tcrm.

im ELWEI OHice ou Como Av. and 10 Third St. JOSEPH G.PLUMMER REAL ESTATE Loan a Insurance Broker Offloe. 243 Nicollet Av, Room 4. $ny will buy Iioiii-b arel mrn, wnh lota, ou l'urk hikiim, ett f.oul.

Uinm. i 1, HI) -will buy a good D-room houwi nnd bhrn, with full corner Jot, 011 liral mum north. H'l wll boy a new R-room hiMmfton Vouhj. rm.p we th. will buy l'lroom hoaie sad barn, t'oarth aTenuii nouth.

line TrtHKirnil 8-room hdirnn mol lot on Ridcfwood annuo. iil.ll'J for corner lot on XI. ird nfnina north. boue. rent for lni.

for men lOroom t.ou iarw burn, tin lot, Thirttwnlt. n.reet, wr rt nrm nu'ii. 2iH), 7-riKiru houso ini. full IolHix- Wmh ayeiiua nuth. cofcr NinoUwulh trit.

baramri. HliH'k. the c)i(ii flet in tha city. A wtai. tir safrt iUiwn in arid tlio'n.

I'iil ecli, lo ciioie loU mau ilaUiorti tint, choir lo' on Tbirl avenoB ninth. IPsioaud 4 JUI, loU ou Portiiuid aal FiMi touib. Comer loi A dfwirabl nwMirmorit. to which the mtiintiop of buildera in lrivirtl. l't and biockx at bottom vnov ia all tha flditioti on tha MoU.r line.

lol niir tliH car fthotis on An.iy We want for rmtomeni diMirabln mni J.xi.'. protrty. bring iu your pMpwrty. Under (jcnrtty llvk. REAL ESTATE AGENT.

and two loU, Comw Third P. nnd riixUonUi nt. Into, houjui, bnr, lot and a hnlf, crrir Fonrtii nv. ri itr.d niltewnlh nt. t'lAO, arid lot on Tbroe-an ar.

H. tZfiS houa lot on TwMity-fif ri naar Phi rt. housn anil hidf tot. corner, Ili Til's addition vo, block of 12 lota, Hennepin ar. and Twer t) seventh block of 13 iar'e loU in WrbrM't a-1 li-tioti.

I'nn, two ery fiiia lota on Third nr. H. 11, two lot on TnrMirir4.a.half at. I'iiii ecb, two tine lot on Piwutint ar, PHi each for Iota ia llorun nddiUou. JU, lot in (iklHi si-fond ad lition.

iV irh, loU on if Ui nr. nmir T.uty-Teiith el. CONNER, WELLS ELL13, Real F.siaia and Law. Union National It. ink Itulldln, Corner Unit Av.

H. ami Third Choice lotfl on Motor 1m. lt 011 t.a'o with niHTia! fVC barb, lots in Met dir 1 dditmn. 4 in A tmrnri ou Tuetf 1 bt. fnut front.

1 in- Hoiini- on i lfth av K. i raikhn. j-VAJO N.c tiociM tiaar St. on 1 mirth a. lioV-HouBC, rooms, aT.

H. i tioico correr loi; nico for fiiTiijO- Ijimedoiiljie cei, tnd bargain, Teiiient to tt fl I. bouxe on bixth ft. N. One block, 14 ot, Jerm-to for property.

Mnf good burijnins 111 outloOs. Vi will ls found 111 our new oUice, with a laruo auiou' of th bt iroierty to uliow all tJiat ctll. Olinxi opori ev-iart. OFFER FOH SALE CJK Dcmestic" Building 318 and 320 NICCLLET AV. A ijiiopnyiiii property, and other of our holding Low and ou favur-bblfl tern e.

Houses to rent, Firut avenue south and Fourteenth (street. BLAKE F.oom3 12, 14 nnd 10, Building. "Domestic" V. H. FORBES, Keal Estate, 315 Hennepin ar.

I havoWlacmi, within IS mlnatos drive of tha fiicollet i'louee, Kent imlude lnvomriieiit ofturod or to be found. 1 can "atiefy any mm of clr jndi.verit tt.ut ha can double his money on Una I'lofierly, or that, in a very nbort timrf he oan clenr 1 hare soma vry fine r(widwioa for Kale. sIbo, Third are. residence locstioua cheap. Cull if you want to buy or Bull.

Tw bundHome acroa at 1 ltce. P. HOBAHT. HO BART W. 0.

BOB.1HI HODART, Real Estate Dealers 8V)0 Good house and kit, lhird ronu9 aa ElhtWlttl BtPM't. lxir.S- Micollet and liftoanth itroct tw; per foot. Vandirouriii blaok, tit nnninl avBDoa 3s- CZOXjJE. Retl Eslate, Colloctlons, Insurance and Notary Public. honKW, Lota and lnda fof wda and rant.

Collections a spooialty. Otfil oorner Wanrdnii-tm and Nicollet arennen, ovr Jfirat Natloriat bank room 8. MinnaaDcJU. V7. A.GrL3ON&0O.

REAL ESTATE DEALERS. 831 Hennepin A Boom 8. Choice corner for tenement row, foet to alley; vricn, fSM. fiMiO for choice corner lot on mirth ntreet; iiiiiiMn rentiiif! for icr month; this it wiirta. ''0u.

eiich for .1 lute on Nicollet nvannn. to i'jut; rjuUna waiuag fi Tuircs Orr. East limn A VERY LIVELY WEEK OVKJI 1I1LV A Wltl.lOX SPENirOK JttAI, KSTATK IX ST. TAI L. lor It-al Ilate Cnn-Uiiur I UMlltl, tt lib l'riws CoDhtitntly Coinj iwarl-lhe f'icM riht for Au 1 iu I'lloniil Iiuildiiii; tar.

Hie torc'e pry of the real elate market i ill f-'esdily upward, the sales recorded for the vttk ncetding lhoe of the previous week nearly 1.iO,IX)0 and amounting in the aptrepfite to over The demand for i-rorerty for improvement oun-timus nnabrifed find speculative purj'OW is greater than ever before at thi aeas-on tf the year, while there is a jienciBl fteiirif; fimong dealers the Hiring dtuiHCtl has haruly beun. A largo tun ter of eastern cajitlirt are in the city lookiCB np orportonitit's, which they ttud in f.bucdniice, be many who have returned home efttr looking over the are Tux'otiiititig ior vroptny tiiiivun Qbe demand for the tiilTori'rit clatse of properly is proportionately about thu same last week. THS TJTJIUIINU DOOM hns commenced in earnest, and it ia confidently predicted that from a third to a half more blocks end residences will bo bailt this year than last, and yet there both actually and prospectively a famioa in rentable property. Vacant stores are not to be bad at any price, and hou-iei in proportion to the demand are even harder to find, lhe actual troth of the matter is thattlie lush of St. l'anl toward greatness is so rapid and so marvelous that ctpital can harLy cou'preberid it.

and i a result the iavcu.en;s in building cpcnticuatstardly Eeces-ary to keep up th the demand are not mad a. By this it riiufet cot be understood that a va-d doiU of Hpital is cot Beeking the lar'a and rapid U'lorrs which investments here bring, but that the operations already contemplated pre -o great in proportion to (he size of the city that conservative capitalist are afraid that the demand will be supplied when the buildings contemplated for the present season i re completed. To one not conversant with the history and of St. Paul this view would seein reasonable; the CI business blocks already actually underway and definitely announced, which are to ccst over and to have a combined frontage of over 4200 feet, would eeern adi-qids to supply the needs of the city for another year bnt those who can the situation and promise of the city, can readily eee that like lwt year, the building, extensive as it if, will not even keep np with the dtmnnd, and that next spring will see a greater scarcity of valuable property than tfcii. 15 EJNiABD TO Hi.l'PFS the same may be said as of store; thers Are practically non to had.

Every-no who goea aboit tha city at all knows that families are huddled together in Louse withoat regard to convenience ors.aniu.ry laws, and that as thty csn pet separate houses their place are tilled with new comers. In fact, the new comer; exceed by far tiie dusm being bouT and the demand becomes greater every day. The lessen to be learned from thin by those having money is so plain that he who runs may mid, and it is to be toyed that enough will let to relieve tha stringency, in a mcadue at leani. SOIA.EI.H BALES. The hf has been a week of heavy transfers, those for which the consideration paid ranged between $10,000 and mmi-'l bem3 a score.

Among b.em mt be uien-t tionid the following: I Tour salts Wednesday agregatei St. Peter sold to C. H. Linmn Fri-dify, Hfcht houses in Paul for $17,000. 11.

G. Rogers sold to S. MaUon lot block 5, Hbitney A Smith's addition, ou liioadway, for J. C. Quinby on Thursday bought 40 aces cm the tur'h rhure of Luke to io from J.

for sjillOO. 3. W. KiiLham bought of J. W.

Cooper lor the block bouiidoi by liiue, lliaciy, Ulive, and Colo King sold to M. M. Flint lot hi, block tl, Hoikins' ad.htion, on i'jurtli utictt Usconta and Ilorabel, far E. 1 Wiggins purchased from T. H. ko feet on Aliiwissippi street, between Orove rind'l'hirtctnth streets or Joph Uuj'giy from Win. KauDiirhi a lov rjutiug 21 foet on Fourth bluet hfcfcr Lichange and running Viirougii to lii'Ji street. E. Dickerman sold to C. M.

Dittrntn kts 1 fccct -J, block fct. Paul proper, for Ibis property fronts I feet oa ici.rih ar.d.XJon Itobert. V. F. bought of J.

Onimbv i)t i rtj on ti ea.t corner of Uoburt anil fifth ttruts. fiontifg 75 ftet ou the former eiutt td VXi on tte latter, for C. E. LickencRn bas purclmhed lots 0, 10, 11 and H. L.

Ctrver suhdiviion from 3. L. Vnriim for fJj.mO, r.iid lots 10 and 13, bioi.k M. i'uui proper, from J. W.

ktfs lor jji'I tl P. HctT-ea of Kew York on Thurs-dt) i cict.astd for epeculalio plirpoees, 10 acu'soathe (irner of J.exmtou avenue atid Aiiotehi.La nr-ti. The property was bought Jrom C. 15, Gilbert and ibe price Ite lurchace by Mr. EdarJ Longeviu for fUt.H'O of about -J acres in VVtst Bt, l'atl, located chiefly in Brown ic Jaokson's and Woodbury Case's auditio'is.

The grantots were D. M. Jtobbins, C. i Wood-buiy and 1). Woodbury.

bATUabAI IBAMSPR3.S. ThP fullowinn ilK-di wererjrOel Ch.niwt bell to ham G. tSinri, lot 1, i Juljm.on'e fcubiiiTihiuu of lUn-x ri t'tiriti'gdiTinon of the of Irt. town '), rnnije jtw J.4 H.A. tcilitif to i.w.w, fi.

of 'iuriibull'e tubdiTibioii of lot. 14, of lrviu' JtiT3 M. llobbiti to Frai II. lot 1, 4, 5, 0, 7, and jo, of uera'a oiitiotB yjj J. W.h.raeuetoIVtr 1'.

4 l'XI fet on VS'fthaitlia hrt ir and 10 foel on LVlar s'Tbrt. I E. Pluonuer to Larlt A. lota fl ami 7, bWk in lioiiiiub's addition i Hi hrol Khear to Jbuiis tnllon, Ul J' el of Iota, block li, la Ljuiau Ihj- ciUition fM l.brei.el to lot V. i 7 of Mackubin 4 Mori 1,033 4 hobcrt A.

Hiaith to II. 1- uipf, lot It, block 2Vrr' iyj 1 I i.i ii Jordon to Di'iims llvhn, loti li M-H block 2s, of ft. l'anl' jriirty. 6I.COJ i i i E-uiou ana Jiiiii iwitt to a i FFinn, inn hi iuie i. 4 ai a 5, i- i li It).

Wemrit. Paal t.r.c 400 2,000 8TJ 4,00 L. frier to jHrm 1 -t Liock 2, in Woodland furs ir tul- i V-ri PariFon ar.d Kobrt A. lot 17, thick li, i.i i trry eftiiilition tut-i Altiwbtto U. A.

LanphBr. Yo't 37. of Kittn'(i VV. lPit.r Vt few York Life lL. fiuiranv.

ttart of in 1. i a.oan Jie n.aru jiioLel to John Aldoch, lot 11 f'l'i' li, of itobrton Vim Eiien i oij fj. Northrop to Murr A ot 1 wk ii. of tiock of row Icy A of lot 17 and of fc jyt out lot 2 niius IjI by tnd C. U.

Li'bijy' is Tl.block U.toHoconb'i J.ihii ()li. lo jr.rob' of m.d 11 of J. W. IWaere i I'-iwe-on ui J'd JohnNio, lot in err rui'Hj'm J50 1,000 rr It. 1.

KIHlMoP of lilork 1 r.f 'b lilT'. ion of the i of wtuiu lOWLblllp T), Itol 11 V. to Jarom 'i I.W, Ar(U" M'-NHUh'on, li tvim- tn -i in is at at L.JtUe Activity fn St. 1'nul Sorlul Clrclm-JVrbonnl MeutionMarrl.ige Llcetutea. Mr.

C. W. Slyrk of is in the city. Mr. and Mrs.

E. Lytlo are at the Hot Springs. Mr. J. 15.

Jilson and wile are visiting at the East. KailroHd Comciisr-ioner Baker is visiting in Florida. Mr. J. Wostlako and wife have returned from Glewlive.

Mr. and Maurice Auerbnch have returned their trip South. Hon. W. Meriinm is expected back from Dakota this week.

Miss Lizzie Wells of Jamestown, D.ik., is visiting fct. 1'aul friends. Mrs. George L. White is visiting her friends in Philadelphia.

Excelsior lodge, No. 00, danced at Sher-lEiiu Hall on Monday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Uildebrand and chil-di en ave for Europe this week.

Lieut. G. D. Wallace, I J. S.

A. of Fort Leavenworth is visiting in St. 1'aul. Col. Allen and wife of the Merchant's will re turn Ibis week from the South.

A Chicago tenor singer of some note, Mr. Herbert Luce, has located in this city '1 here were 72 marriago licenses granted in Ean.sey county during the mdiitn of -March. A ico ption is to le given the Amherst College Glto Club in St. Paul by a lady in low er town. MiFs Emma Spoor of Berlin, is visiting in the city, the guest of her undo, Mr.

M. J. Clum. Lo Cercle de Harmonie announces a grand Easter ball for tomorrow evening at Sherman Hall. Drs.

Stewart and Wheaton have taken poffepfion of their tine new residence opposite Biver l'ark. Mr. and Mrs. Fred UriscoU are en their way home from Europe, sailing from Liverpool on Tuesday. The "Hornet Club" spent a ploasant evening at the residence of Mrs.

George Earwell lust Tuesday. The far-famed Col. I'nt Donan hai been entertaining old St. Paul friends duiug tho week by his radiHid Joseph Brown, for four years employed in the St. Paul telephone otlico, has been appointed manager of the exchange.

Landlord Leip says he will open his hotel at White Bear May 10. Many improvements have been made on the place. Cnpt. II. K.

Bailey expects to leave St. 1'aul soon for F'ort Keosh. Mrs. Bailey has gone to Bridgeport, N. on a visit.

It is rumored that W. H. Vanderburgh who has just gone South wilt on his return be accompanied by a Mrs. Vanderburgh. Mr.

and Mrs. W. Y. Hilliard were married in Chicago the first of tho week, and are now at home in St. Paul at No.

132 Summit avenne. The benefit bull at Sherman's hall Friday evening was a tine compliment to Prof. Evans. It wan a complete and gratifying iuecots. Idis9 Katie Konantz of Pittsburg is visiting in the cily, the guest of Mrs.

T. C. Jones. She will sing at the next choral society event. The members of company propose to get even with their obliging lady friends, by Kivir.g a party on Monday evening, April 'J, at the Armory.

The Excelsior social club will give their dunce at Pnllpgn Hall April 10. Stein's band ban beeiu Beoured for the oooa-sion All those whe receive invitations may be cure of a very pleasant time. The Kangaroo Club at a party at Gen. Flower's last Thursday evening, adopted the following motto: "Not pretty nor fraailo Hut awfully agile, Not Kiren to itamm so new, ith the liwl Hnd tho ton To the front quick they go, This never-get-ldft Kangaroo." The ladies of the Woman' Industrial Kfliool will give a tea party at their rooms text Tuesday from 2 to (5 o'clock. The idea is to introduce the general public to the work of the society.

The otlicer3 of the society ate Mrs. C'has. P. Troys, president; Mrs. Chas.

H. Clark, vice-president; Mrs. alter S. Altituider, secretary and treasurer; Mr. J.

A. Wheelock, Mrs. Geo. B. Vourg, Mrs, Edward Sawyer, Mrs.

H. C. Embank, Mrs. H. C.

James, Mrs. Chas. 'lhonippon, Mrs. Henry P. Upham, Mr.

Fwcniitit Clark and Mrs. O. C. Greene. VAEUIAQK LICENSES.

The following marriage hconsea were it-sued during the pat week: I fienry llnflineir of Itaniseycounty, I Louiaa Hihcbe of Kainsey county. Louis N. Alt of Itamsey county, 5 Ajinic HcuitiiLbjuatioj' county, liols'rt Uayea of Itarnsny t'orson of Ramsey county. I Swan V. Anderson of Riuneey county, litty llawhum of Ramsey county.

3 chollert of Ramsey county, Arnson of Rameey county, Peter Madison of llanisoy county, liurborn buhuler of Ramsey county. E. (i. t-inith of Ramsey county, I J.epluiiB liargea of Ramsey county. Aunui-t liaudono of Ramsey county, Lundin ot county.

fltto ltow of Ramsey county, i 'hriMtineHchiiidoldekerof Ramsey touaty. I Ji eeiih llennun of lUmsoy county, llaiy Siniih of Ramsey county. I I iiKi iiP Swan of DftvilsUke, aitinnr.e Rhode of lUmioey count. (leor(pT. Jeriku of Hsmsoy bounty, Jeaiint tie lliupers of Rnnmoy eounty.

Klisl Waid of To.ld, Lhiabeth H. ttilft Ramsey county, Fre-1 V.eipx of county, Jladi line lioijerzo of Ramsey comity. Arrold Hjhdino of llnmsny county, i I.ouiee Wellscl.o of liimisey couuty. W'ali-h of Ramsey county, Prulft belly of Rurnsey county. 5 liftman liaddata of Ramsey county.

Matilda llBihrg of Ramsey county. John Ilenberuerof Ramsey county, OWoio.ankel of Ramsey county, Midas l.oel'ler of llamsey county, AUilla fcoubcrirer of Kamey county. an i.smt Ar sr. vwl. Sheiinnu Hall, St.

Paul, presented a brilliant spectacle he-t evening, an audience of the elile of that ity having assembled at li third Rimual roc ption of Mr. and Mra. AV. Midcnlin's jnunile dancing olasa, which was celebrated by a fancy dress party. '1 he op'i ting imuid march, led by Ger-trndo 1 1 ham and Homer Clark, displayed to line advs in its various evolutions the 75 misses and masters comprising the class, charmingly arrayed in piotnresiioe, rich tasteful sorrio of which were impoited from New York for the event.

A programme of dance atid the followed, which they entered upon with jujous abandon and a marked grace find proficiency which rtilected great credit upon thOr instructors. A most pleasing feature whs the absence of prompt ina in the fqunre dances. The two ilivificj.s of the jjerraan were led by Anna Sleperd Stine ami Lilhsn Lel'oster and Richmond Waruer. l'ieni Minneapolis tlor ist, decorated the Herman tabic -with his uud good taste. the piomiLt-nt feature being favurs of bon- I loiiineres, nrrangt'd to forn lfd on an eaeelof mcfs.

'lbo special favors of two I beautiful were awarded to Lillian i-tLoeter liicnnnitui Earner tor improve ment in I heir ease and grace Iseing reuihikable. LUie Pope and Alice Limron, two tiny "llower girls," were lbo re cipients of the Moral favu-e iu Girl" ii timber of the germtin, and performed their part with cbnrmiug naiites, i'lagp," the concluding number of too germtin, was danced with great vivacity to the inspiring strains of "Fatinitza March," Seibprt's orchestra, and formed a fitting elope to the tuning's feliities. The fol lowing chniaettrs were personated: Pago, Jitlnuond Wagner: Raymond, "hiory of Viteau" Shcpurd-Stoneaud Aiina Warner; lichen, Homer Clark; My PrStty Maid, Clark; Snow, Como Iladolifle; 1 lower Gnl, Alice Dawson; Little Hoy blue, Johnnie Lincoln; Polly, Grace Upham, feasant Girl, Gertrude Upham; Page, Hur ry Ritchie; Wattean ShetberdiisH, Minnio West; Spanish Girl, Marion White; A Loudon Lad, basil Hurrill; Plower Girl, Minnie Fairy tiifi Liii in Do Coster; Fairy, Gust-ie l'opn; Folly, Allie Pope; Page, 'I l.oinpson Warner, Mnrcm-iito, Lucy JLsiut.t; Gii.v,;, Lu.vriii; flow" 0aFor Offices, Stores i STORE SHADES. Chas. T.

Leonard, otaiittin PubdiTirioti or bloca 111, l.yn ht Phjlon's uidiiion C. 1). to b. A. Uuhrt, lot 5, block 14, Wotdiaud Park 4.K Total ondtrBtiiMi JtTMMAUT Of BALKS.

1 he sales for the past weeli as compared with thote of the proviovs week are as follows: weekend- wotkml-irifi 21th. Hrt.rt.4-1 If, 705 Tuesday IW.S7S IKI.sin.l WediKdsy 11? Nil riday ifolidjiy Katarday Totals. 860,324 IacnwM ovr prVwlirg weeek I 1 he figures of the week are facts which speak more forcibly than merd words. NEWS ABOUT TOWN. The public schools open again tomorrow.

Emplojes cf the city will be paid tomorrow. Ex-Gov. Austin is spending a day or tiro lhe city. Cnpt. A.

J. Russell, United Statjs army, at the Merchant. The state contract for heating the Market llotif expired yeslerduy. lhe Union depot employes give a carnival Market Hall Tuesday evening. Prof.

H. S. Parr of the Educational Journal ha returned from Rochester. I.e Cercle de' Harmonie will give a ball Sherman Hf 11, Monday evening. A dramatic entertainment wa.s given for the benefit of Prof.

Jnrka last hight. The Jollities played to good houses at the opera house o.sttrday afternoon and even The St. Etui police iaide 217 arrests during the month of March, of which of were i ban drunks. Chester G. Higbee and wife were granted rem ission to adopt Lottie E.

Martin by the distiict court yesterday. Taylor, a prominent citizen of Chicago, pf.s.-ied the city yestordiy eu route Louie from the far Northwest. The funeral of the Hon. Lorenzo Allis took place from the Church of the Good bhepberd jesterday afternoon. The committee on claims of the county commissioners held a meeting for the transaction of routine basinesa jesterday.

The funeral of Mrs. J. II. Patterson, daughter of the late Maj. Forbes, took from St.

Mary's Church yesterday morning. Isaac R. Jenkins, the new superintendent fct. Paul and enters upon hi duties tomorrow. The funeral of the Hon.

George L. Otis will take place from the family residence on Summit avenue at o'clock this afternoon. John Tehmann, diiver for De Coster Clark, was badiy bruised by falling from his wagon nnd having a heavy desk fall on mm yesteraay. A inaptiificeut mahogamy desk has been put in the Uovori or' room at the capitol ai an equally tin choiry desk ia th row ption toom. l'iank Chiprpan, one cf the young hoodlums who rudei Mr.

Ct mb'a residence on the hill, was fenteocod to the reform sc'lool jtteroay, but Kenteuce wa temporarily Sut-peLdtd. Information aa to the insanity of Annie Poire, wife of the man who attempted suicide the ether day, was tiled in the probate court ytplrrday and wamiaation will be had MoLdsy. Arliclts of incorporation of the Glenwood P.oatd of Trade were filed in theolliceof the stcretary of state yfbterday. Its is composed of the leading men of that thriving place. 1 he colh dor of internal revenue reports tie following colleetloiadurmg Peer, $14, 31.

1.4:!; cigari and tobacco, sptcial taxes, uOO; miscellaneous, 10; total, Mrs. Franks, the wife of Christian Franke, who was killed at tli3 lower lliird street railway crossing a fow days ago, has btoi ine violtntly insane and an effort is being ado to have her sent to St. Peter. The board of public works made a tour of inspection through about throe-fonrths of a mile of sewers in the city, ou which th contracts have not yet been imploted. Ibey were well atLiWd with what they w.

The board of control met yesterday afternoon and allowed the March budget of bills, among which the following are trie main nemi-: boppori cf poor, 1X1.1.7; almshouse, 7o2 ho-f ital, The bill amounted to $-470 02. The following ticket has bern put in ntminntiott lor the White Baar village election, which takes piano April 3: usie's, J. C. Murray, Daniel Getty. Fred W.

Benson, James Waters and George Bausoh; village L. 11. Bacon. Ghnwood Creamery Assjchtion, Tcpe county, tiled articles of yelirdiy. Joseph Campbell, Edw.a Ojx, J.obert ilhou, Jolm Otmpboil and G.

1, Mr.cktr, Ell of Glenwood, are tho incorporators, and the capital ntock is $10X'. The colli otor of onstortm reports the following receipts from all sonroes during the montii of March: Imports, Vdl. ti; stur-ac'. fine3, and entries dutiable, 10; etc, oaths ami niisxl-luneocs, toul, Chief Strotig's report of March hhizes is a ren.artable cno. liiora only eight alaruis, only six f'iree, and the t-j'al los will not exceed Ine lar.riwt lire W'is the buming of the McUintuoy ilomo.

For the corresponding period a the ksee by tire amouuted to 'lhe workmen excavating for the ne.v Eittton bciiumg, bjpo.iito lhe postoTiw, ytbteiday discovrifd a wed Colined fossil, resembling ia build a trout. It was carefully removed and the remains taken lo McCarthy A Dovmnlly', where they were ''laid out'' in d'ie form. Tiia soeci- i urn i- uici iuui icei tu ana a idiy Lne one. An old 7 rer cent, ft MOO bond of the test olid A Cedar Valley railroad, issued in IMM, was piesented to the state trenniirer for rtileniptiou, and after being be it.g paid whs burned. The principal arid ii.Uiert unpaid hmeuoted to The bond belonged to Wartiu A Kittson of liairiltuii, aLd was presented by the AD.tncan t.xp::s Comptny A coutpany of militia hna applied to the to le mustered in.

Gov. Hubbard has taken Uie inattf under adviaemaiit. There are two companies ntill iackintr to fill the qnota authorized by the Legislature, but the act waa intended for the benefit chielly of frontier communities, nnd the Governor wishes to wait and see what inovcmeuN are made in such sections toward orgatiuina companies. hile Hook atd ladder Company No. 2 were practicing with the Hays' truok nt the corner cf Seventh and Jackson streets yesterday morning, the hoisting rope of the upper ladder, which was being raised to the roof, broke, letting the ladder slide down with great rapidity.

Jau)M McCarthy, one of the ladder nieu, beinj; jur-t und'irneath, was struck by one of the books of the de scending ladder, and had an Uijly wound down ttie side of bis boa t. A-istanc8 ut at once rendered, nrd the physician an-I t-ULCi'd the wound surious but ut dangwr-j I'her nii-iidiers of the company were I i-'m a''i' briuvi If tvv falling l.vidvt. Which hlHleinf nt by Mate, County City OfllrerH. and HTA1K TltKASUUKR. Paliu'ce in tieahury at the cloh of business.

fund (omt- driwi 60 Hlalc irflitnlion W.VK fCI Hi (ii -pi ion fund fd FoKe'liy furd 5.7IS (6 -TeiaiUl eid I rei.i.Ol I'lll 4 1 1 Z.i,.1ij Ul 2. 782 55 lis VJ.Kil SS 74 4.U72 (ieLCJld )( bid Turd Liilvirhily funii Swiniip ImmI ivind ji iievnl Ui ers.ty iir.d. li.nnid iniinoveineot fund Internal in.proeiaei.t luiid Intiiiiid iiriiirovcmciit School text book Votals Deduct riTtntii) overdrawn iifi, 155 8ri 60 127,70 28 fund Aotun! anim r.t in trcfto-tuy (1 aS folloWl In Vjret Niitionnl ai In bei tmd Natioi al bin Iri bank In (iwmaii American bank In bavtsoL bunk 11 01 ll.tlt 85 4u.32 nJ Total 2a CUAHLKM klTTKLSON, btato Treat-uier, GITT TBEASUllV. Hie following is the liuaiioial statement of George Keis, city treasurer, from Jan. 1, ls-tKl, to April 3, 183: balance iu city triatury Jan.

SI. 18 4 4 ItecwnU! SlU.t.WS Od Dihl urn'iiunta. Si Balstice City funds balance City waterworks Library fund 2V.B40 13 77 -J 88 OH Bular.ce Where depomteei. Famepi' lon nnd Trust New York New York First National Hark Hecond National Hank Merchants National Hank derinun Ann ricnn lu.k. Hank of Mini.eoUi Savings Hank 29,640 7J 1,413 fH,7 (if 4.a;:t 07 t.IWi 1 4 5.41H 41 8.i TS tiVt 1.W S'l Total rtfluin liEIS, City Trotwurur.

I mi I BOAED OF KDUDATIOH. The following ia the financial statement of Mr. Reis, treaeurer of the board of eda-c-tticnof the city of St. Paul from July 1, lr2to April 1, leWJ: Kweipus If? Dibburitemeuts HO balance 17,043 01 Where deinitel Kouutie New Tork, to pay 1ft 71 Hnnk of Mimieeota SS (jcimau Amt ricau 8,6 VJ Total. 02 Cko.

Ukih, Treasurir Ki ard ot Kellglous rsotes. Rev. II. M. Simmons of Minneapolis, will preach Unity Church today.

Iitv. D. R. Breed preaches at tha Fort Street Presbyterian Chapel this evening. Dr.

Miller will exchange pulpits with Dr. Man-hall of the Jackson Street Methodist Episcopal Church tbi morning. Rev. Edward C. Mitchell of the New Jerusalem Church will preach thi.s morning on "The Purab of the Rubies amonj the heat." Young Ken's Christian Assooiation services today are as follows: Services Sunday as follows: Devotional rreetint; at A.

M. Bible study at P. M. Gospel meeting and song service at 4 P. adurees by Rev.

P.O. ilolman. Landsciijie Gardening. Mr. A.M.

liutu, landsoape arohitect and garoener from lVunsylvauia, has located permanently in St. Paul, and will commence laying out some of the elogiut bui'ding sites in and about St. 1'aul, among them the grouuda of Commodore Kittsou ou Summit avenne, and Maoaloster College park, for hich plans and skbtohes have been made. Mr. but cm be found in the Presley block on Third street, and is prepared to furninh plans and specirloations for parks, cemeteries, oity and snrbnrb iu residences, drives, walks, boulevards, mtut- tore li.keleis, waterfalls, artillcial rockeries.

rustic orients atid designs tor the arrange ment fiiiel grouping of trees, shrubs aud llow er bto's. I dles, For stamping embroidery materials, fells, faxeny, Shetland, go to Donald-bonV; Seventh street, St. 1'aul. The Instilling Ttt In the market, ladies' English patent boot wairuucd not to crack; ladies' fine kid opera slippers 1.25; ladies' fine kid futile slipper coat elsewhere, ui the boston One Price Shoe iStore, Vi ubt.ha St. Paul.

J. S. Lovmuino, Proprietor, I ad law, a Mr Line Of linen tidies and splashes, plain and fctou ptd, at Donaldson s. The I5iHt Thing Yet In the ir.r.rVet, ladies' 1'uglish patent boot warranted not to crack: ladies' fine aid optra slinie.m. Indies' lino kid angle fh ers, 1.25.

cost elsewhere, at the Poctuu Ono l'nee Sitoe Store, i.bu.-ha Blrtet St. Paul. J. S. Lovkuino, Proprietor.

Itst Eotaldiicn's, 13t) Seventh. htumjit cl HuS, Dorrddsoii'ii, 130 Seventh. a llonaldnoii's, Liters, hofiery, ribbons, handkerchiefs, ties, notions, 1X1 Eait Seventh, SU r-ln Twine At J. H.

Gabvin, T. M.Ooss.tM), T. H. flARTis, lvit ryl'nblic IVil 5th At. f.

61VJ 11th St. H. COST IE PRICE Heal Estate Agency. i GARVIN, GOSSARD GO, 400 Nicollet Avenue. Sr(0 biije 8 lotion Nicollet, near Twenty-fi inlli Hieet.

11 lot nar Khir-nionnt l'ark mldit ion. J'iKXJ buvs 8 lot on Ijikectieet. HUO for 2 lots i (ira'nt Htieet. ntMir Hennepin avenue, pan for 11 lotH ue-ir beventeentli Btroot. eiudi forlft lots bu-1 mm Xwenty-sitli nnd Twenly-seventh Htroetus.

fWOeach for 10 lot in IJoyt'o leildit'on. East Bidn. iVOl) biivH li lom l.itw.r-11 Li. I.e nil '1 iiirtv-iirnt I'lri'ois, Id Hidroe and re perl in locntioiiH in nil i ul i of tlm i i ou'" in our Uiott'Ji 211 HENNEPIN AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, The enterprising emigrant goes emigrating he is yearning for a rich and happy land, and you can just bet all of your stamps that when ho readies the broad and fertile prairies of the great lied river valley in North Dakota he lias readied his Mecca, and cries, Eureka, we hava found the promised land that is llowing with milK and hoaey; a farmer's paradise where every acre is a mine of wealth, aud whore eicKness abd sorrow are unKnown. There is no doubt that North DaKota is to become the wheat granary of the world, and its great aro already dotted with elegant iarms atid beautiful towns.

Chief among them ia the beautiful town of Hope, Griggs county, situated in the center of the lied river valloy, the terminus of tha Hope branch cf the Manitoba railroad, and tha grout distributing point of the Devil's Lake and Turtle Mountain country. It cannot help but become a city. It has already a remarkable growth. Only a year old it has the finest hotel in the territory, great warehouses, business blocks, churches, 6choolhouses and residences, all lighted by electric light. Tor business point it no equal, as merchants there labt year could not half supply the immense trade.

The lied Kiver Lai Co. still have a number of fine business and residence lots for sale at low figures, also 30,000 acre3 of the best No. 1 hard wheat lands at from gG to $12 per acre, on the most favorable terms. For maps, plats, price lists and full particulars, apply to E. LI.

STEELE, socretary and treasurer lied River Land Company, Big Boston, Minneapolis. SPRING STYLES A TO in i mm THE MAGNETIC HAT, our "Jersey Lily," is tho nobbiest young men's Hat made. PLYMOUTH CLOTHING HOUSE, 12 and 11 Washington Avenue North..

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