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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 3

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 3

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS Explication ol Reference Marks SatnHay ex. eeptd; Sunday eicepurf; 1 oad.y eieepted; I SunUayaonly. C. W. Palmer, agent tor Inman Ocean Steamship line.

Passage tickets sold to and from all parts of Ktirope. Agent Franklin Fire Marine Insurance ot 8t Louis, Mo. Office Opera Boose block No. 9 A Hall Safe er Sale. One of Hall's fire proof safes for sale at a bar-rain.

It took the first premium at tbs recent SUte Fair. Address C. W. Palmer. St Paul.

niKNEsrwI.H eV LOU1 Ksll. AVUtpai at Mt. Paul aV C.ciflc Depot, Ceraer a.fa Ins; lots Avenue an. t.nrUa Avenue N.rtsi. TRAINS.

I.ZAV S. sBRJVIl White I tear, Stillwater auili i Duluth m. 10:0 a. m. p.

m.1 p. m. Cbiska. Carver and Slonx i City 7:49 a.m.ill:45 a. m.

i 8:25 p. su.t 7:10 p. za. All trains connect st glanr City Jaa tlon with trains for ManUato, St. IVter, New I'lm, tilout City and all points on tne 8ioni City Rsllway.

st. pail Az i a rim; ii4iikoau THAI.XH. BIliNCH UKC, I uivi. I aauva. Brataicla omce Opera.

Haasi, Btwcst B. IValtsUkst Street. Orders rwrelirael Tow Ssitncrtptiaaia, Advertlsemeaita, and all hlsids at Job Prlaitlsift aacl Blawk Books. The TrltMine Before Breakfast, The Daily Tbibckk is reftalarlj delivered to St Paul snbtcribers before break TasL The lt-est news of both cities and the world entire appear in Thb Tkibcne columiis. One dollar per month.

Dally Weather Bulletin. Oftics or OBssBvaTtos. Siottu. Sebvics n. 8.

I No. 78 West Third St. Panl, Minn Observations taken at tbe same moment ol time at all stations. sUTKOBOioeicai. bkcobd sot.

33, 4 F. v. Plac Ob' a. Bar. I tact.

I Watd. I K'eatAer. Bismarck Breckinridge. Dnlnth Fort Tanktoo Fort IS" 29. 18" i 311.0 iM.lWj 29.71 6 I 3.

E. C'ondy. Calm. I Cloudy. N.

W.iFair. N. W.I Clear. 8. W.

Clear. st. nw. Melrose ami Sauk Kaptils 7:50 a. m.

p. m. Mara link. For Breckenrlilge. m.

3:40 p. Wlllruar m. 1:30 p. hi. Delano 3:40 p.

m. a. m. ST. PAUL TBantS.

i.tAvr.. aHBiva. DSILT LOCAL SIlKl. Bar. TKrr.

RtL. iYum. Wind. eatXcr. 30.Ctt 1S.T 815 jWesteriy.

Lt. snow. Short AJrtlrmti of misrellaaeSMia rhfter Inserted In till elmu at rlVE CMTS A USB. SITUATION WASTED. lO Cnte per Day, Wtthoat Regarol tm lcnqth.

FRM)NAL. AS TED -To know the whereabout of T. T. BacaeUer, formerly of the Ponltry Journal, tf LESSONS In French Mod Spanish. the undersigned, beg to iuiorm thos who are deslrons of learning: either of tin above langnagea, that I am prepared to giro coons either at pupil's homes or at my rooms on Hennepin avenne, between Third and Fourth streets.

St fsrencee given. Axtbnr W. Do Bray. Bo 15S. P.

O. ocfj-tf INSTRUCTION on Piano and Organ, at 215 Fifth street sonth, between 2d and 3d avennes south. Term of Ten Weeks. fti.UO. may 17 MIrSCETVL.AlwX30TJ.

MOSEY TO LOAN- 0U ob Brst-elaM real estate. Edmund Eichhorn. No. II Johnston's Block. SHORT HAND A short hand Writer wants a situation as amannenis, or other short-hand work by which he may develop his stenographic speed.

Ad-dteas D. U. Kenaga, Kiutakee, Illinois. AST ED A tenement of three or five rooms, rni9hd, within ten minutes walk of the Post-office. Addrea- Tribuue.

deel "ITTAJfTED To inform ladies that Miss Long, It Stetsni's Bnilding. Hennepin avei ue, is a skillful vartirnlarly successful in tine party dresses and tSne work where ingenuity, taste and information as to tete styles are required. Prices reasonable. novS-'-tf AN rX Kid Gloves to clean and make as good a new. John D.

Meyer. Bridg gqnaie. nru IT-ATED People who bare seconJ-bentt article ft or any kind to fteil. to advertise in the five-cat column of The Tr.bune. poy9-tf WANTED A gocd second-baud Cutter, i-laoo-if box or iw 'U-box Matt be cheap iVw csh.

Aiidre T. care Tricnne. noT.O-tf "ITf ANTED Persons wishing Dice Uair Work done, ft Curls, Switches, tc, also Uair Jewelry made, and Fine Millinery Work, to call at Stehie', First street, near Ply mouth avenue. North Minneapolis. octG-tf IVrANTED ladies to call and examine th- Sew If Wilson Sewing Maculae, at 3di Nicollet avenue.

noT25-tf Y'TED Dressmaking and trtaia sewin In If families; terms iow. Call at? 15 FouitU street NortU, second house fiom Bennnpin avenue. A. X. Foster.

jin3 Ur ANTED a tenenaent of three or nve rooms within tea minutes walk ol the Pos -office. Address Tribune. deel BOOKS opened and dosed, tiistf balaue-ss snd balance sheets made, accounts and general accounting and expert work. The best of references. Tribune Office novtW-tt "IVTAXTED A second-Land kletgh, two seats.

Apply to W. Abrnetliy, Farmers Union Office nov22-tr WANTED Ladies wishing their carte, crimps, puff, dressed without injury to the hair and In the lateet style, also switches, curls, tc, made up, to rail at MlssC. Champeau'a, south wes-corner of Seventh street a ad Nicollet avenue. Full weight and your own hair guaranteed. nov22-tf WANTED trees to Winter at 10 per moctb.

Will ec me to Minneapolis at any time to t3ke horse to the farm. Address B.Woodniansee.Cbam-plin. Hennepin county, Minn. dec 12 TASTED An Interest in a paying irrocwy Bnnf-f nees which will require (1 .300 to $2,000 capital. Addret F.

Tribune, tf WANTED A rood second-baa Pang or Cutter. Address C- care Tribune office. colO-tf WANTED A gentleman residing in New York Slate desires to purchase an established Drag Store in this city. Address, stating Terms, Surgeon, Tribune office, Minneapolis. oct24-tf A If ANTED To Rent Steam Fower and shop Boom.

A good chance for a man with a ltttle capital to start a Sash and Door and Planing Mann-rectory. Fart of the machinery on the place. ISo Power Planer witbm forty miles around. Town building up fast and country well settled. Inquire for address at office of Tribune.

ecto-tf WfANTED. A Partuer in the Butchering baei-f 1 ness, or will sell. Good aying business al-ready established. Addrew, this office. gep30-tf II ANTED.

To Exchange. $2,500 or $1,) worth of improved Real Estate for a bouse and lot, dcairably situated tu the city, worth from to Address, A. Adams, 104 Central ave. scrCIQ-tt "I I TASTED- To Sell, a good Draught Mare. Apply If at 11 Washington avenue north.

auJU J-OST AND FOUND, STRAYED OR SrOLKN-From near L. O- Johnson's store. Main street. Fast Division. Wednesday evening, about six o'clock, a pair of bora one black and one gray, the latter on the near tiido.

The black horse ha a large ank'e on his near hind foot; weight together Wat 3..0 pounds; hitched to a lumber won loaded with bean. A reward will be given for their return to C. P. Welch, 312 North Fiith srrett. East Division.

"T7V3TND A Halter; the owner can have the same 1 by provjig property and paying tor this advertisement. TTOUND A sura of money in the Nicollet House. MJ Owner can have the same by applying to the Clerk, proving property and paying tor this adver: lisemextt. LOST A pair of Seal-skin Oleves, between Academy of Music and Fort-office. The finder will be rewarded by returning them to the Tribune I'onntin Koom.

2T I -i a ROIU sieee-uuinu. uuur rwsrded by leaving it at this office, novig-tf ItOAUl. TASTED Board In a pnvato family. Addrees i z. tnis omce.

nou "llANIED Beard in a private family, within a few blocks of tho Hons. Address B( tbis office. mira-tf irASTEB A few Ros-ders at No. 117 Fitth street, between Second and Third Avenue Soth. Also day boarders.

tf BOARDING Two Gentlemen can obtain Board and a pleasant rocm ftr the winter, in a private family, six blocks from theCity Hall. Address care Tribune orhce. novS-tf OARD Pleasant Hooms. with Board, at 243 First avenne north. Also a few Uay Boarders, ocji'u BOARD Boarders will find comfortable accommodations for the winter at No.

14, between Nicollet and Hennepin avenues. novJT -faOARDINii can be had, with Plezssnt Rooms, by I) the day or week, at Mr. B. B. Logan's.

No. 46 ourth street. Warper's new Block. octgMf BO EO Far tiro persons, with large room, central Ucstion. Inquire at So.

31o First avenue sonth. oct-lfi-tf BOARD well-furnished rooms, with board; also, table board. Batea Honee, So. 27 corner fourth street and First avenne north. oct4-tf BOARDlSiJ.

Women desiring transient or permanent board will Und pleasant ircommo. datlons at reasonable prices at the Woman's Home, on Sixth street, second door below Fourth avenue south. susM-lf to iirr. SHOPS OK BOOMS with power for sale or to let at a bargain the wboL or any part of the hitherto occupied by the Monitor Plow Works, with power. Apply at the office of the Company or O.

Box 376. Monitor Plow Works. 25- 1VAVTED To let two furnished rooms for the fl winter, with or without board, at 71 Third street it vnn Knfm wall situated, for rent at low figures. B. Wistar, 1 25 icoUet ave.

se24-tf 1 PO LET Four gocd, comfortable Boont s. in sec- 1 ond storr of bnilding immedUtely in rearof Kash's Hardware Store. Kent low. Apply at Tr buuePcmptinffRoom- ei3-u fpo LLT. With Board, a flnely Furnished Suite of let Hotel.

Address. P. Q. box Ma. aeSrtt mo LET.

Two first class Stores, with cellars, J. one ef them flttej with shelving and counters for a grocery and feed tradci WU1 be let for a low rent. Inquire of G. F. Warner, corner off Fourth street and Xlcollet avenne.

aepf-tf rrto LET-Residence The fine new Brick Reel-X dence block, each honse eontaininft twelve rooms, marble mantels, and grates in first ami aecond stories. Gas throughout the honse. Bent lew. Inquire of G. F.

V'arrr, corner Jiicollct avenue and Fourth street. reP6'1 fo LET. Offices, Rooms and Basement. In 1 Jloa. 8 and 10, Washington Aven-ie South, opposite Wieollet Inouire at Fiit Vtinal tt'.

TO EXCIIAA'OE. WANTED To exchace a Sew Wilson Sewing Machine for a twoieatcd Cutter, at 301 let avenne. 30 fpO EXCHANGE A 11 per cent, second mortKaae I on resl estate a gooa piano. aJluu'J Lock Box SJ, City. novSSf 'ASTED To tride a new Howe Sewing Machine itOi for a spring wagon or open bnsg.v.

a.tflrM. Tribnne oISco- tx TOR TEDE A fine Corner Lot in fcontn sine no-4 Will tn i for lot within two or three blocks of corner of Hennepin avenue and Twelfth street. Address Lot. care Tribune. csvl-f T-- II neittlv new two seats.

MS eventh street 8. no2t-tf F)R SALE A No. 1 flute, six keys, sliding tube, best cocoa wood and finished In the best style; will rell cheap for cash. Call or address E. V.

itn nings. Tribnne Connting Room. novi3-tf F)R SALE At Wilson's, Hennepin avenne, between Third and Fourth streets, on monthly r.r-.nia rtr-nni Sewins Machines. dec24 FIR SALE The St. Clond I I roes newspaper job printing cfiice.

Democratic and official paper of tttearna Connty satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address W. H. Lamb, St. Cloud, Minn fne terms.

Ac. DOT- 23 is i I A ffood sew Detroit Safe, Ko. 4. Ap- 1. Ara n.

UT HH.WM. DOVS-tf paw w- F. iR SLB. A LidJell Scotfs Greek good as Bear Address Lex. Trionne omce.

tl SM)H SALE A good Mote of t6. bearing twelve 1 per cent interest, secured by first mortrfige oa real estate, with six months to run. Address jP-, ear Tribane. tKi9-" TXIB SALE A Thousand-Mile Ticket over the Io-F wa Central Railway. ddress P.

Tribnne office. ovI9-tf T7H3B 8LE Two good Horse, age six years; weight 1,000 l.liO poonds. Work single or doable. C. Mather.

No. 324 Fifth at, so. ocrawf FIK BALB-A Half Interest In a oJ good paying basiBesa. To the right man this is rare opportunity. Only a small amount of capital required, for particnlaza addresa this oflkre.

oct-lsVtf SaJJsV Tablets for bookkeepers' aae. Ap 17 piy ply at Tr feblOtf tvjr 8-VLK A one-half interest ra weU-eatab-I? Uahed aad profitable Maanfacrarlng Bosiness Will require su investment of Addresa P. Box 147. Minneapolis. oct-ll tf FrR 8ALK Ur Exrtajig.

for Oty Paoperty An Improved Farm. ISO acres and 180 a-rrs ef tiis-bsr and prairie, ia McLeod connty, six mile, front the railroad. Good water, meadow and tisber: well adapted to stock raising. Apply by letter to box IM. Minneapolis, Minn.

oett-tf Tfom. bALK -City riders. A lew City Ordsrs pay A aoi. Joiy jss. isix baartsar tsrrat at It per QHBITF'U EXECCnOf.

SALE. Coder and by virtu of an exeen'lon Issued out of and nnder the seal or the conrt of Common Pleas of the Hiat of Minnesota, In and for the county or Hennepin, on the 7th day of October, lb 7. opon a judgment rendered and docketed In said court and county In an action therein, wherein Wenal Fetran Is plaintiff aed William A. Was son, defendant, in favor of said plaintiff and against said drsndant, for the snm of Nin Hundred and Twanty-two and 41-100 Dollars. which said execution has to as of sa.d county, been duly di rt ted and delivered, I have levlf npon and will sell at public auction, to the highest cash bidder, at tbe front enranc to Brackctt block, on First avenue south.

In the city of Minneapolis, in said county Ifenuepln, (Saturday, the lth day of 174, at ten o'cloik in the forenoon of that day, all right, title and interat of William A. Wssson, ths above named judgment del tor, in sna we wuuw in ft vasA-ri K1 t.1.Wft: Lot six (C), In Block three (3), and tha south half ef lots three (3) and four (4), In block thre t3. iu Maple Plain, tn the county of Hennepin aud State of Minnesota, wiwi an tne appurtenance moic ww-lougtng. latd MlnucapoUs, October 6th, 1874. HUfritr nt n.nnnin rntnty.

Minn. Axwarin 4. Babcock, Attorneys for 4lndgment red nor. In pursuance of an order of Franklin Beeba.Jugft of Probate for the county of Hennepin, made on the 4th day of November, JM74. notice is hereby given to ail persons having cut.

as against Henry Hockey, late of the city and county of Fhih'1miimiiVmml of Pennsylvania, deceased, that said Judge of Probate will attend fur he purpose of examining and allowing such claims at hi ofnet. in the city of Minneapolis, in said county, t.rx the first Mondays in March, April and May, 1875, at 10 o'clock a. u. on ach of said days, and that six months from tho date of said order has allowed and limited fcr the creditorsof said deceased to pvaeut their claims against the said deceased to the said Judge of Probate for his examination and approval. JLrated this 4th day of November, 187.

A. BAKNAliU, Administrator, Ac. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Henuepin, Court of Common Pleas of the Count of lit-n-nepin. Alexander Alexander, Plaintiff, vs. The unknown Heirs of Joseph W.

Gott, deceased. Defendants; bl'MMONS. Tbe State of Minnesota to the above nanud Defendants You and each of you are hereby enmzroned tnd required to answer tb complaint of the plaintiff in the above entithd action, which has been hied iu the office of tho Clerk of the above named court, and to serve a coj of your a swer to tbe said complaint on the subscribers at their dike In Minneapolis, iu tba couniy ol Hennepin, in said Mate, within twenty days after the service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of such and if you fail to answer the said complaint within ibe time aforesaid, the plsintiff in this action will apply to tho court for the relief dvmandtd In said eoinplaiut ATWATEit HANCOCK, Plaintiff 's Attorneys. Dated Octeber A. D.

P-74. noviST-fr STATE OF MINNSOTA, County ol Hennepin, Court of Common Plea of the Couniy of Hennepin. John C. Oswald, Plaintiff, vs. The un' Down Heirs of Joseph W.

Gott, deceaaed, Ifv-ndautm. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota to the alovc named Defendant; You and each (f j(u aro hereby summoned and required to answer tbe complaint ol tbe plaintiff in the above entitled action, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the above named court, and to serve a copy of your antwer to the said com i lain the subscribers, at their office In Minneapolis In th co tinty of Hennepin, in aid htaie, within twenty days after toe service of this sammons on you, exclusive of the day of such cervice; and if you fall to answer tbe aid complaint within the time aforesaid, tbe plaintiff in this action wiJj apply to the court fur the relief demanded in said complaint. AT WATKK 4 BAliCOCK, Plaintiff Attorneys. Dated Qct bt A.

D. 1HT4. nor7-fri STTE OF MINNESOTA, Couniy -f Hennepin, Ccurtof Common ileas rf ike ouniy ot Hennepin. Ulrich Oswald, riaiatiff, vs. The or known Hcir of Joseph W.

Oott, deceased. Defendants. SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota to the above named Defendants: You and each of you sre hereby nmnioned and required to tnswer the complaint of the plaintiff iu tbe above entitled action, which has been Alt the office of the Clerk of the above named cmirt, aud to serve a copy ot your answer to the said complaint ou the at tLeir office in Minneapolis, in tbe county of Hennepin, iu said State, within twenty davs after the service of this unimniia cu you ex-ciuflive of the day of snch service, sod if you fail to auBwer the said cotuplaiut Witbin ttie tiiue slorenaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court lor the relief demanded iu sal 'I complaint. ATWAI'EH A BABCOCK, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Tted October A. D. 174. noTi74ri 81AT14 OF MINNESOTA, To all persons interested in tbe state of Alexander M. Ktrubndge, late of tho cityi ol Minneapolis, dt-ceatted.

recti ng: Y(a snd each ol yon sre hereby cited and required personally to be ano appear before the JuUre of Probate of the county of Hennepin, at his office in the city of Minneapolis, in said county, on Monday, the 7ih day of December. A. D.1H74. at lu o'clock in the fort- noon of that dav, then and there to atteud the final settlement of the account of Alice Strobridge, ad-miiuntratrix of the estate of the said AlexauUrrM. deceased, and the distribution of his said estate.

In Uaiiroony whereof. I have hereunto affixed the seal of the Pmhaift Couit of said Heunepln T. i. county, and subscribed my xume as Jnde ot Probate of said county, at the city of Minneapolis, this Pith dav November, IiKRBF, Judge of probate. i i h.

ur Ll 1 l.JU A To all persons intereeted in tlie ettste Louis Hof- fenbrotiel, late oi tne city ox deceastd, greeting: You aud each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be aud appear bctura the Jixlite of Pro bate of tbe County of Uenuepin, at his office ia the citv of Minmaiolis in said county, on Monday, th 21 ft day of December. A. 1S74, at lt o'clock in the fort noon of that day, then ana there to attend the final settlement ot the account of Emeritiu, Uof-fenbrodel, administratrix of the estate of the said Louis Uc-ffeubrodel, deceased, aud the airJtnoutiuut of his said estat In tcsuaiocy whereof I have heremuo aiuxeo tne seal of the Probate Court of nnd Hennepin l. g.i county, and subscribed my name as Judge of Probate of said county, at the city of Minueaiolis, this 24th day of November, 1R74. F.

I EE BE. declO-lfcur Judge of Probite. vTATF MINNESOTA, To all persons interested in the estate of a rlo Pet erson, late cr Minneapolis, MiuuM ueceasea, greeting: You and each of vou are hereby cited end required peisonally to be and appear before the Judge of Pro bate ot the county ot ueunepin, at nis omce in ins city of Minneapolis in said county, on Monday, the 21at day of December, A. 1S74, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, then and there attend the final t'Ulunicjut the account of Aaron Peterson, adminintrator of the estate of Hurlo Peterson, deceased. In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed the seal of the Probate Court of Hennepiu a.

county, snd subscribed ay name as Judge of Probate of said county, at the city of Minneapolis, lliifl 25th day ot November, 1S74. F. BE Eli declrt-thnr Judye of Pfolto. MISCLlLANEOUS. LONG HAGLIN, AECHITECTS Koom Clfj- Hall, Mlmiempolia.

F. IS. LOXU. C. F.

HAGUN. BESIMTS ID SIBIVCERS VisIUn the City, wll at tbs Office Hews SM ALL THE Leading Papers and Periodicals of iav T'lS BEST CX.ABS CW Including all kinds of Initial Note Paper, Minnesota Views, Circulating Library, Booka, Etc, Htc. auoii RUNNING FOR 17 TEARS. PltATT'S St. Paul and Express.

Oldect 4.1 ne In the C'tty. T1ij to Five TfalES each "ay daily. Hprial attsa-tiua to tbe safe delivery of Pai-kaKs. only lie. liable aleu iu tbe business, lirtiers nuay be bit at j.

s. rii.i.sBriis's, Nlrollttl SVDQ. may-" HELENDY LYMAN, AT IHIB DRUG STORE," Inlrr the Keep everything in thoir pries. it, pom dmn'l trhml V- ELY IMPORTING WEDEING GARMEN1S! A SPECIAI.XV. SERVANTS1 LIVERY ADR TO nKAjrilK, Clergrmaa Ten Per Cent.

Ulscount. T7abash AveM Cor. Monroe 1. 1 ixm i it; WANTED OY WANTED Apply to i. J.

Provan, So. 8 wjunmnuaiTriiuc Avnu WASTED-Boy wanted at the Telegraph Omce. novit-tf WANTED A wide-awake agent to take hold of the WilUon sewing machine, the best in the market. Apply to or addrrea Parsons A Wilcox, St. PauL novM-tf ITTANTFJ) a person to Solicit Insurance one well acquainted in the Eecommendationa xrqnlred.

Inouire Room Academy of Music nol5tf FOlt KENT. TTHJR ItEST Store-room in Academy of Mun, now occupied by E. Towle Smith. Smith te-movinic to So. same block.

Apply to Merrick Broa. novae tf FOR REST Four nlca rooms, 306 Washington avenne North, scnd floor, suitable for housekeeping. Apply to W. P. Burnett 87 FOR BENT Two pleasant nnforni'bed rooms for rent very cheap.

Apply at 1X01 Third street North. 29 TjOB BEST A new brick Store Building, at 220 I Hennepin avenue; three stories high, with basement. 2a feet by ICO feet deep; snitahle for heavy wholesale business. Will bo resdy to be occupied December' 1st. Also, store with shelving and counters, suitable for grocery, with rooms over for dwelling, corner Third street and First avenne north.

Also, three rooms on first floor of a dwelling on ice same lot. Inquire of A. M. Henderson, SU First svenue north. novn-tf itt nnvm 11 tlflli it.inl ml liiir I1U1IK tui uci aaisa Hint auu viuiu at xavj auwiu.

-i'lrJ v. tbe premlsea. RENT Fiauos and Organs at t.Uot'a. novi-tr IjXOR RBNT The east Store, with Pasement, in I'jclnc Bloik. Apply at stoie or to Jamea Bean.

octal-tf ST. PAUL WANTS. rpO LET A I hototrrapbie Gallety. Apply to J. 1 B.

Lygo. 71 Eaetlhird street. St. Paul. MTl ATIO WA.VTEO.

4rjITUATIOS3' Advertised in Tbe Tbibch for C5 Ten Cents Day. angl4-t FOR SALE, FOR SALE A Storo an Lot on Third street, 2oil.u!, sitnati'd in the best business part of the street. Address C. W. Palmer, Eranch Office Minneapolis Tribune.

St. Paul. FOR SALE Farm One hundred and sixty acres of flrst-clas dry npland, in Faribault county, five miles from Wiuuebago City, and two from a flonriug mill. A never-failing spiing of excellent water. Address C.

W. ralmer. Branch Office Tribane, St Psul. aug'Jx tf ST. PAUL FIRE ASD MARINE INSURANCE CO.


Jftnt. OPKIt A HOUSE, 6T. PAIL. SovM-tf aso Fasliionable Dress Making, IHISS A. 11.

ncDOSALB, 11 1 Jackson Street, Corner of Sixth, ST. PALL. dec4 GOLD AND SILVER PLATER. ED1VAKD KOHTHBI'P, Jtls. 77 aba-rl Hli-rst, St.

Farticnlar attention paid to Carriage and Sleigh Plating. Also, Electro Gold and Silver Plstiug. such aa Knives, Forks, Spools. Castors. Watches.

Jewelry, fcc done In a superior Manufacturer of Flated Sash-bars, for Store Fronts. declt VV. as, Wet TMr 0T. MtrM.9 Bcrjrmc, Zephyr Worsted, CanTs Yarn, Nations, Gold ai Silver Trimmings, etc Ant for the LHtwesUc aper Fashions.

jau-I-75 GEORGE DILLMAN'S A madecf Re-Japanning Sewing Mschtnes, Tea iiiil Collce Cans, and aU kinda of Tinware. Alao, Gilding and Ureal m'ng. No. 34 Saventli SU, St. Panl, Minxt, dec3vu MERRELL RYDER, Dealer in and Manufacturer of LADIES' FURS, Gentlemen's Fur Goods, Buffalo and Fancy Robes, IX o.

.15 Ja'liton Street. Between Kowrtbi sad KlttD Streets, tX. FAIL, Cash Paid for Futs. jin3-5- I.chisrb.Delat'xrare and Lackatranaa. tl i 1 side, Kcraaten, 91aaillos.

Briar Hill lobarsr. anal Illinois. A full anpply af above coals constantly on hand. WE WILL NOT BE U1SDEBS0LD. All Anthracite Screened Before Delivered.

HILL, (iBIGGS cV 6S East Third Street, St. PauL MINNESOTA SOAP Manufacturers of Soap end Lard, Tallow, and Keats leet Oila, St. Paul and Minneapolis. SS Essie Street, Near fcbl8-'76-tt Fpper Levee. 8t.

Paul. THE KW American Sewing Hathinf. BRANCH OFFICE. 21 West Third St. Xct-ul.

The Sew American Ems the Lightest Is Self-threading, and has Self setting Needle and Shuttle, is easily learned and easily cianaged. Triumphant Everywhere. Hipbest Award a Vienna, 1S73. Hiehefct Award at American Institute, 1873. By far the beat medi-" nmfor families to use, and consequently the best for sfteota to acli.

Agents, Dealers and Canvassers should apply at osca foi terms and territory. marl 0-" 3 MISCELLAN EOTJS. i'.it mm ft tared fa IA FINEST STYLE, jft bat Mil Mm im ct rprr, by THE TBIBISE PIB. CO. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE The Contract of the "Underwriters Agencv," (composed of the Niagara, llan-over, Ctermania, and licpublic Fire Insurance of Jfcw York) expired Slsl December, The Niagara" Insurance Co.

acknowledges no liability nnder Policies or Renew Ms issued AFTEH THAT DATE by the Underwriters' Agency," so-called. THE NIACARA HAS 23 YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. Cash Assets, $1,250,000 PIKRCE, Fl'LLER A COUCH, Agts. CARRIAGE SHOP, General Blacksmithing. Orders solicited far Express Wsgons, Bonifies.

heavier work- All kinds of wood and iron work done to order. One hundred set of Bob-kds for sale now. Mv Bob-sleds and Sleiftbs will be sold exclusively by J.O. MUne, Deputy State Agent Bracketfs Block. Minneapolis, where I am satisfled the trade can be anpnUed with better and cheaper work than at any other dealer's in this State.

My Bob wor is natural crooks, dag from the pre und. H. S. ATCHtEr- I C. EoxlML tuJ-t to We keen on hand, made up in the best mannerjLaw and Collertion Bettistera of any aiae, from two i to SM quires.

Koman who does sny col. lectiaf can sflord to be without ote. HIE 5 am. A6B9TS WAITED rr tfce raCaTTKXKIAI. saswu ut-tmr teat Ht PIERCE, FILLER Mil, I1V HIJR- CE AMD Steal Estate OFFICE: i Over Katkmal Exchange Bank, Cor.

Second and Nicollet UIXNEAPOLIS, M1NNESOTA- MONET TO LOAN- INSTJRAJSTCE. We represent toe follow! ag flrat -class Insurance Companies tns, of Hartford 95,521,049 14 National, of Hartford. 809,429 79 Home, of New York 4,630,007 41 Lancashire, of Manchester, England 00 London 12,500,000 00 Life, of 20,640,786 00 Niagara, of New York 1,301,211 00 Accident Tickets for Sale. REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCES.

FOUBAIiE. Ai9 Fine business property, sltnate on tbe corner of 4Ui atre. and Hennepin avenue, 70 by 15 feet to alley. Price S300 per frost foot. Terms oae-quar-ter caab, balance, 1, 3 and years, at 10 per cent.

857 A cood amatory house, with II rooms, cellar, cistern and barn, with three acre lots, situate on corner of Nicollet avenue and Ninth street. Price, 1 Terms half cash, balance 3 to years. 881 Two-story brick bouse, 10 or 12 rooms, well, cellar, cistern and barn, nearly tbre lots, sltnate oa corner of 10th and Harmon; in fine order; price terms easv. Ureal Bargain first come, first served. We offer seven lota in tbe most ntral part of tbe city, antl in a fine block covered "ita shrubbery and fruit Boulevard tbe satire block old family residence.

Call at to sfccur a choice lots 301 Two-story ncsse. entirely new, with eight rooms and closets, well and cellar; size of lot 86x160; situate on Ttb street, first bouse below Sev eetb Street Church; corner lot; price 800; terms eaav. 260 Cosssge house, with en, five rooms, with clos- ts, cellar, cistern, weu and tiara; plenty or lruitand shrubbery; situate on corrvr of 3 avenue tout and 14th street; price only tSt. 878 Two-story house, 8 rooms, good cellar, well snd elstera; fronts on 9th street, between bUi snd trth avenues south: fine location: price M.OOO. 1st Large 2 -story house, entirely new, 19 or 13 rooms, cellar, cistern and well, aitoate on 13th street, between Uinnetocka and Helen; price 94,000, half cash, balance on time, at 10 per cent.

Agoodbargain. 84 Large 3-story House, with observatory, 12 rooms wiin closets extra nmefi one cellar, wei and cistern. Large Lot; situate on 3th street, be tween Hennepin-ave. and Stab (8,500. 117.

A good bargain fur a few day. 10 acres of fine Nursery, with nearly $5,000 warth of trees, ilonee Buildings worts IS.OUO. situated on avenue leading from the King farm to Minnehaha. Land In a very high state of cultivation. On account of ill-health, tbe owner will sell for tbe mall amount of A great bargain for ac one wlshingto engage in the nursery business.

AOS The u-ost desirable bualneas property In the city; feet front by 163 deep, to allev; also alley on tne aide, next towmtmore'e Aew liloca, wssh. ington Avenue. A better investment lo tazins property can't be found In the city. 374 Large house and corner lot, with a ed, cellar, cistern and barn; all in Brt-cls order; wlU ee icor half eaab. Twotory hours, 8 rooms, well, cellar and cistern, two large lots, situate oa 9th street, between Nicolletand Istavenue soutn; price only long time can be had if desired.

Rchidecce Hiorss. SOT Lota 13. 18. 14 and IS, block Basse tt. Hoot Cue' addition; (1,200 each.

IU S5 iota in Urown'a bubii vision, from $425 to f3Ai. 2.1 block 10, Highland Park, 16 lots, price $1,400. Zst 4 Uxfc Hanson Kice'a addition, 100. actional lot 9. block 141.

Xtnneapolia proper, 463. Also, half of lot a. block la'j, Minneapolis proiier, $450. 20 Three, lots corner of Psrk avenue and 16th street, each. Also, three lota fronnng on 16th street, t'JOo each.

342 Two lota. 11 and 12, block 2, Wolford's addition. East Side, fns fur both. 244 Kix lots, block lots, $725; inside lots, JC75. 247 Two lota, Elliott's fir addition, lots 1 and 3, block 1.

$G00 each. 354 Xlnelota on ennepia avenue, from $900 to $1,000 ith. 257 A very ce lot cn Laurel avenue, 60x150, $1,400, 2H0 lots In Ktinson's addition, next to Lyn diir rry cheap, $400 and (600. Three lots on Franklin avenue, a car Portland, for ail. Jti'j Kighteea lots opposite Elder Tattle's, on Chi cago srenoe, (cheap.) call snd get prices.

ldo I wo and one- uau lots south con eroi oin ana BusseO, (4.000 for all. lis A very fine lot la Jackson, Daniels Whit-ner'ssddition. I'-jO, 101 Two lota on Nicollet Island, central location. (1,200 each. tr2 A very desirable lot on 7th street, between Hennepin and Nicollet avenues, (2.600.

93 Two very desirable lots on Helen street, one a corner lot, Sx.ftOG for both. Land by the sere desirable parts of the city. REAL ESTATE HEADQUARTERS, 9 Wash. Axe. Sou lb.

Under tlio rVieollet UA.MtD, To rent two small hansei on Seventh street, $.5 ptr moti in. WASTED, To take orders lor the Tery best of Dry Mill Wood, Mftple Wood, asd Coal, tad deliver promptly in any part of tue city iowett. rates. To Rent a fluely farnlslied Honse of eight roome, with baro. borne, butter and cutter, for the winter, at 4ft per month.

Kare opportunity to Secure a nice place at a cheap rent. WILTED, To exchange a half Interest in a good paying bn sines a lor a remtience in tDe city. WAJITEs9i lonsea, Teaement, Stores and Rooms of aU descriptions, in all parts of the city, to rent. Having a great demand lor rents, we invite tuose naving vacant nouses, sc. xo leave uem on our oooes.

WANTED, Houses, Lots, Lands and Farms in all parts of the city and vk-inlty, to sell or exchange on comma- sion. charge unless a sale or trade is made. WASTED, To sell a choice corner 9-acre tract on Park avenue, opposite iy projected noose, at a bargain. WANTED, A first-class Cutter, ia exchange for lumbtr. WANTED, To sell for cash, or on easy Ictus, a large nuaaber of city reeiaencv'S ana lots.

WANTED. To give special bargains in Corson's Addition. Lot to men of tun all means. WANTED, 1 To guarantee a lae puce.iag the money in-vaste4 In tb' purchase of one of the finest 5 acre tracts on i arn avenue. rice, to.iw, ana terms very easy.

WANTED, To exchange a choice piece of improved business property, in tne very cenu-e ui ousmtia, yieiuiug a gooa lucerne, ior muurnu cni, ou imicu. WASTED, To exchange eoute very good farms the city, fcr city property. WASTED, To exchange a residence lor outside scree, worth WASTED, To sen some of the choicest business lots In town. baqNiiii, WANTED, To sell chp lots to Bicnauius snd laborers, without airy reauy cash, oa long time, If improved. WASTED, To rent residences very cheap for the win er.

WANTED, People in all parts of th eity to know that we receive order for the vary st of Dr? Milt Wastel, delivered proBtntly, and at lowest prices. SEVEH PEE CEHT. OH DEPOSITS. r)fven ecr cant, imtercat wud "oat tlaUr halsDce. Money can be deposttrd or 4rswa at any time at to Rnk of MiBDeaDolia.

Ko. Sleolsrt Bouse Kiosk. wt(k istarat rrosa data ot d(ost. In point o( tao Vfl fcs a hjat 1. ts.

dry. Gold at $1.11 5-8 a $1.11 3-4-Stock Market Dull. The Wheat Market Yesterday was Unsettled, and Prices Lower. Flour is quiet Hon In Fair llemand Pork Is Advanced. f'lNaDClAli.

Hew York. Nsw Yoke. Nov. 25. HONEY Easy at 33 per cent prime mercantile paper at 67 per cent for first, and 8(310 for secoud grade.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE Left off duU, 4 8Sx for 60 days Sterling, and 4 90 for demand. GOLD Moderately active, 1 11). (31 11. Carrying rates 1 3 1 Q2 per cent. Borrowing rates flat Specie engagements for to-morrow's steamers amount to all gold coin.

Much of this goes to Paris. Clearings, The Assistant Treasurer disbursed Custom receipts, $343,000. GOVERNMENT BONOS Firm. RAILROAD B0ND3 Firm. STATE BONDS Quiet and steady.

STOCKS As this was the eve of a holiday the stock market was very dulL There was a disposition early in the day to bear stocks nnder the lead of Erie and Quicksilver, the former falling below closing quotation of last night on lower prices from London, and preferred of Quicksilver went off 3 and oommon per cent There was a firmer feeling as the day advanced and the decline was more thn recovered. Shortly before tbe close the market became weak and prices declined XQX per cent. In the general list compared with the highest point of tbe day the principal business was in Lake Shore, Northwestern, Wabash, Western Union, Union Pacific and Ohios. Transactions on Stock Exchange to-day aggre gated 134,000 shares, of which 76,000 shares, were Western Union, 18,000 shares Pacific Mail, 31.000 Lake Shore. 6.600 Union Pacific.

10,000 Northwestern common, 4.000 6t Panl, 9,000 Wabash, 32,000 Ohios, 15.000 Erie. STEELING EXCHANGE 4 86 ior bankers' bills. COUPONS 1881. I9fc: do. '63.

12x; do 64. 14; '65, 16; do '65 new 18k; do '67, 19-; do '68, 19; ao new nves, lax; iu-eus, lax; os, 19. State Bonds Missouri, 94; Tennessee old, 76, new 75; Virginia, new, XJ; 01a it; rtorin Carolina, old, 37 new, 17, Express. Canton 60 Western Union, 80; Quicksilver, 33, Adams Express, 1 15 1 Wells, 83; American Merchants' Union 66; United States 64; l'aciflo Mail, 44. Railways New York Central, 1 00 Brie, 37 do.

Crete rred. 45: Harlem. 130: do. prelerred. 13S; Michigan Central, 75 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne a Cbicago, Btf Mortnwestem, sa; do preferred, 60 Rock Island, 100; New Jersey Central.

107; St Paul, 87; do. preterred 67; Wabash, 29; do. preferred, 41; Ft Wayne, 98; Terre Haute, ff, do. p'fer'd, 24; Chicago Alton, 101 do prelerred, 104; Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati, 64; Burlington Quin-cy, 105; Lake Shore, 86; Indiana Central, 109 Illinois Central, 97 Union Pacifie Stocks, 36: Central Pacifier, 96; Union Pacific Bonos 91; Hartford Delaware Lackawanna, 109 Ohio Mississippi, 32. London.

Losoos, Nov. 25. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England balance to-day, .44,000. Consols, 93 lor money. U.

S. coupons, '65a. 106 do '67s, 109; 10-40's 104 new fives, 1 03 New York Central 94; Erie 24 preferred 39. Paris, Nov. 25.

Rentes, 00370. Drjr Ooods Market. Nxsr Yobs, Nov. 25. DRY GOODS Business was light with commission bouses, and jobling trade inactive, although a fair amount of orders were received from the interior.

Cotton goods are quiet but unchanged in price cotton flannels more active in first hands aud supply small In lower grades-Side band prints are active. Woolen goods are quiet foreign goods move slowly; black cashmeres in tteady request td.MMliltCiA t. TlliwastUee. MlLWACKXX, NOV. 35.

WHE4T This morning the market was unsettled and rather weak, though pi ices did not vary materially from those current yesterday afternoon, and trading was confined to local speculators options in No. 3 were comparatively steady, while cash wheat declined I ally No. 1 was neglected and nominal. Sales at the morning Board amounted to about 200,000 bushels. On' Change the market collapsed under a pressure and prices declined No.

3 selling at S1391o lor cash, 913910 seller November, 91(891 seller December, 91 92 seller January, closing i 91 ror cash and November, and 93 January. No. 1 declined to 96 and closed at 9Sc. No. 3 was 33e lower.

Eastern advices were rather on favorable. FLOUR Very quiet, prices remain nominally unchanged sales cf 60 barrels rye at 6 25. OATS Scarce snd lc ibigher. Sales of 600 bushels No. 2 in store at 65 18,000 bushels do at 63 4.000 bushels do at 64c; 300 bushels condemned at 60c deliy red; 260 sacks mixed delivered at 66c.

CORN Again lo lower, and quiet Sales of 400 bushels No. 3 in store at 75c; 400 bushels new do at 660 RYE Scarce, No.l at 1 03. BARLEY Unsettled, dull at the decline of 3 33o. Sales, 800 bushels No. 3 In store at 1 38, 400 bushels by sample delivered at 1 36; 400 do at 1 38; 400 bushels choice at 1 40.

No. 3 is In demand at I 10. HOGS Steady, fair demand at 6 5037 00 tor common to prime, and 7 0027 16 for choice to fancy; sales range at 6 15 for good to fancy. Receipts are liberal. RscsiPTS Flour, 5,191 barrel? wheat, 80,61 bushels; oats, 1.898 bushels; corn, 4,600 bushels; rye, 360 bushels; barley, 4,360 bushels.

SaintEXTS Flour, 9,91 barrels; wheat, bushels. Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 25. FLOUR-Steady.

WHEAT Lower. No. 1 spring Chicago nominal; No. 3, January; No. 3, 85c; rejected 80g81c.

CORN Lower; No. 2 mixed 79c for cash. 75c all the year, 71 May; new No. Smixed 670. OATd Dull, lower; No.

3, 63c oasb, 52c for all tbe year; rejected 60 o. RYE Advanced. No. 3, S3c. BARLEY Quiet 2, 134 for cash or seller December; No.

3, 1 063 1 10. PORK Advanced 20 25 lor cash or seller all the year; and 21 00 seller February. LARD-Steadf, 1314o spot, 13 seller all the year; February. BULK MEATS Qnlet; shoulders 6c, short ribs 9o, short clear 939c, all loose; green meats steady. WHISKY1 97c.

ctosuts raicss. On open Board in the afternoon, wheat closed at 91 seller December. Corn, 76 tor all the year. Pork steady. Lard 13 30c for all the year, 13c February.

Racsirrs Flour, 9,000 barrels; wheat, bushels; corn, 318,000 bushels; oats, 26,000 bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels; barley, 11,000 bushels, i Shime.tTS. Flour. 9.000 barrels: wheat. 000; corn, 6,000 bushels; oats, 22,000 bushels; rye, 360 bushels; barley, la.uuu pusneis. New Tork.

Nsw Yobk, Nov. 25 COTTON Dull and easier: 14lai5c. Fu- tares steady: sales. 28.400 bales November 14 23-32a14r-, December 31425-33e; January 16 3-33c: February 13 13-313 l-ibc; Marcn 15. 015 25 32: Anril 16 1-16-: May 16 5-16(2 16 ll-32c; June 16 9-16c; July 16 13-16316c FLOU Unchanged.

Kecei pis, 1 a.wiu, barrels. Superfine western and state 4 004 60 common to good, 4 7oj(a uu gooa to cuotue, outso 10; white wheat extra, 6 75S6 25; extra Ohio 6 403 6 75; St Louis, 4 908 00. Closed quiet. RYE FLOUR 4 305 85. CORN MEAL Western 4 75.

WHEAT 1(920 lower. Receipts 230,000 busk No. 1 spring. 1 18(31 26 No. 2 spring 1 07 gl 09; No.

2 Minnesota 1 18; No. 2 Chicago, 1 lliai 13: choice ro. 1 Lmiutn 1 -Jb: ao. 3 Mil waukee 1 14a 1 15; No. 3 Sheboygan 1 17; No.

9 Northwestern 1 13 ungraded Iowa and Minne soU SDrins 1 0821 95; winter red western, 118 01 25; amber western 1 2631 38 white western I 3031 40. RYE 94(3970. BARLEY Canada, 1 6531 66. HORN Pinner. Receipts.

17.000 bnshels. Mixed western, 940 ha store 93o afloat new yellow western 89c. OATS Firmer. Receipts, 72,000 bushels. Mixed western 6739o.

HAY Steady, 60. HOPS-Finn; 1874, 38346c; 1873, 16324c; COFFEE Lower Rio, 18c others firm. SUGAR Reining 8c; prime 8c, at PERROLEUM Refined crude 5c; nsptha unchanged. RKSIN Firm, strained 3 35. TURPENTINE Spirits 35 EGGS Western 28(3290.

PORK Firm, western mess 21 00. BEEF Unchanged middles steady, long clear 10c LARD Prime steam 16 e. BUTTBR Prime, nnchange. Western 2ftg28c. CHEESE Common to prime 12316 c.

7 WHISK 1 01 METALS Copper firm. Pig iron, Scotch 42c, American 3632qe. Rossis' sheet iron 16 o. 3ails tmehsnged, lawerpoel. Li vsarooL, Nov.

25. roTTON Middling Upland. 7 4: Orleans. 8 8 d. Bales, 13,000 bales, including 3,000 Cot export sntl specie; 6,260 American.

BEKAUtSTUKlTB Viaiet PETROLEUM Refined 9 s. Long cnt hams, 47s; shoulders, 83s. Philip Collen, confidential clerk and book. of J. J.

MeGratb, dealer in paper- ATTENTION. GW. FOLSOM, NO. 30S SECOND AV south, baa Dry Kill Uood for aie. and alio la I Or.

prepared to nil clatsrns In anv part of the city dera left at his efhee. or at tks Post Office, will ceive prompt attention. Also a fine Sale and bokrd- Ing stable for Bent. BUTTER I ECCSt HONEY i M. ALDEN, SO 246 NICOIXET AVES Fresh eft ana unoice sntter, Hpccilti-.

COIWNIIS8ION MERCHANTS. LINTON Ko. WASHINOTOS AB. nue north, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Commission Merchants, dealers in Grain.

Flour. Produce. Fruits, Lime. Stucco, Cement, Lister and IHLr. nutter ana rggs a specialty.

CISTERNS AND WELLS. CE. WHELPLEY, MAJJUKACTCRER OF DRIT Wells and Cisterns, dealer In Pumps, Piits and Strainers. Wells Drove, Drilled acd l)lg-Pumps put in and repaired. All work warranted.

Agent lor Whitewater Wairona. and all kinds of la. ebinery. Ko. 53 First avenue soi th.octweea WMh- ingvon svenue ana TBlrd street.

CIGARS. HENRY A. SIEBERT, M.iNUFACTURER AfD dealer in Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, and gmokfts srticles generaUy, So. 17 Nicollet avenue, near Stis- penuun ontige. CROCKERY.

W. LANE, S02 HKSSEPIS AVEHL'E, has a fjjU line of Crockery, aiasswaro. Lamps, of v- ery variety, at lowest prices. VM. ALDEN.

NO. 246 NICOLLET Full line ot Crockery, Ulasware, lc, and io- new oajlv. DENTI8T8. HUH MAN A Ifci OtildlC in Westfall'a Block, corner atid rirrttvtf. 4.

A. Bowman, a. M. octt PI K. DCMOND, DENTIST.

TBIRTV-THBEK jm year a practice ei.tHla him to tbe conOdeifl-e or ail wno may oevire nia prozeaaional atsrvirea. umcB, i collet avenue. nnr.i 4 L. BA.USMAN, DENTIST, NICOLLET STREOT. next door to Wulverton At Baker' a Dry OooVla rr.

1 welve year eonatant practice in Mlneanolla. 1 M. BAILEY. I- M. DENTAL BOOMS jm in teneinfier Block, Cential avenne, I.

ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS lOOLEV iaNKhR. CIVIL ENOLNEERS AS VSnrvevorH. Office, No 15 Jonnaton'a Block, Mi- neapoiia, aitppewota. FLOUR. rlHOlCE BRANDS OP FLOW It GKAHAM AND uncxwiteat.

Appiea iy tne oarrei, Feck. Ereeh Lemonaand Oraugee, at A. M. Aiden wo. fiieouef avenne.

GROCERIES. W. LANE, 302 HENNEPIN AVKNCE, dealer lin an ainon 01 ana urocaery VM. ALDEN, NO. 246 NICOLLET AVENUE.

Large stock of Family Grocem-a do band. All orders nllvd at lowest market rates. Call aud examine for yonrseives. JOBBING AND REPAIRING. A do- RO DOERS, 37 HENNEPIN AVENCE, does all kinds of Jobbing and BepainrR.

Social attention (fiven to makin. rfairing and re varniKhinir Furniture, parking fumitare for moving, and Ke-canin Chairs. Ordf-n promptly filled snd atisfaction guaranteed. r. BNYDEtt, No.

24 SECOND AVENUE IT eoutfa, between MabiDgton avenne and Third street, does ail kinds of Jobbing and Kpair-tn. Efpecial attention given to Making, Repairing Varnishing and ltecaning. Orders promptly llUed. Batiafactiou gnaxauteed. Euruiture called for aud delivered.

MEAT MARKETS. SUMMERS It CAKE, MEAT MAliKET. 245 FIRST avenue south, where families can bt supplied with all kinds of Fresh and Halted Meats, Poultry, Game, oa the mot reasonable terms. BRIGHTON MARKET, SLiCOSD STREET NORTH, near Fast OnVre, II. B.

Clark, Agent, keeps con tanUy on band a supply of all kinds of Freaa Meats. Poultry a specialty. HOMCEOPATHIST. CI E. MAT.

M. HOMOEOPATHIKT, Minne-J poh a. Minn. Office tn istar'a Block. 307 Nicollet avvnuc.

Omce honrs, 8 to a. 1 to 8 and Tta8r. x. Sundays, tt to 10 a. v.

Caa be founts at office at sny time of the day or night when not prolcsBiuxuily asgageo jaui- PICNIC AND EXCURSIONISTS. nR E. C. AZAUD CO'B ROASTED MEAT8. "Mutton, Turkey, Chicken, and FeUcd AicaUJ at opened at Aiden 8, Vb Aicoilei avenne.

TAILORING. EJ. AASE, SO. 423 WASHINGTON AVENCEl South, across from Milwankee Depot. All gixxia and work warranted of the best quality.

Our expenses are hnt aiia our pronts smatu A. MAYER. NO. 53 BRIDGE PQCARE. OVER I li ii tin's Drug Store, Merchant Tailor.

Kepaii Merchant Tailor. Kepalr-epeciaity; doing bnsineas in Ing and Renovating this city since irfbi. Jt. HAGAS. rASHlOSAELE and Kepairer of (ienta Ourmouta, No, SO Wash eurtoaveaaA north.

WASHERS AND SPRING BEDS TVPTO.N BlaOTUEUS, 220 SECOND AVENUE A Sonth. Proprietors of the Minnehaha Spring bed. Also. Manufacrarers of Practical Washer Wringer. Wringer Be pair, ng a Specialty, STEAM BOILERS.

"rM AMEKMAX, COliNEtt ECOND Kl UESX and Fifth avenue sonth, proprietor, and manu facturer of Marine and Stationary bteam Boilers ot every description. Oil and water Tints, reed water i-iUTi, uas uoiaers, uuite. cupo- las. Iron. Ikors and Shatters Hot-air Farnaccs, Plata and Sheet-iron wort of all descriptione.

Boil-era reoaired in a thorough manner. dot8-'75 TEAS. COFFEE AND SPtCES. M. ALBEH.

KO. 246 NICOLLET AVKXCE. Cli'le Teas. Coffe. Fplces, whole or groapd.

WOODEN CUTTERS. SjTANt'FACTCKED BY W. H. KCDD fc CO Main Street, E. from flv to fifteen cents per foot.

See them before ordering tin ones lor your bonso. orders solicited. WALL PAPER. BOOKS PICTURES. SPBISO STOCK OF WALL Psper already received.

Wistar, at Co. AMEUICAS GRAPHITE, (1CLLY equal to abtr's Pencil, at Wistar, Wales Co'a. GEE AT BARGAINS Ur, Waits Co'a. is cnno5io, at wis- GREAT BARGAINS IN PnOTOURAI'H bams, at Wistar, Wales Co'a. AL- SECMET SOCIETIES.

s-sMTh TJ A.O. D. MLTXFHAn GltOTX No. 8. lingular meeting every Thursday evening, at Ciood I emplajs' Ball, Mendetjhairs Building.

Eo. A. Sntntss, N. A. B.

S. LoDiiE So. A. F. A.

li Bea-n. lar meetisffs he-lil 3d and 4tk Wednesdavs of eaensnontn, exoea p. at. af mnurOLXS Lodge, Ko. 19, A.

F. A. at. fietmlar meetinffs held first and tbird Wed- neadaya in ea. laontb, 7 li o'clock p.

u. JOBS 1 CBTCrs, M. S. 7. BTOBXit.

Sec. St. JoHK'g CHAr-rra Ko. 9. Begnlar con j.

avocanoa neia tnira -jrjesdsy or eacB Paavx month. 7 o'clock P. at at hall in Davton's xiloca. J. W.

Heviok, B. TA7T5ATT. See. (aiZiOK OoanusDKST So. 1.

Bsgiilar eonclavs MMheld 3d Tuesday of each month special meet. wort ana drill, 4th Tuesdsy of esch i o-cioca si. Henbt O. nicks, Kec. Jobs J.

Clack, 0. 4X LO.O. F. Schiu.eb EHCAJniM. Xo.

Regular meetings on second and fourth Wcuesday in each month, st Odd X. Fellows' UsU, corner Nicollet avenue and Third street. H. 8. Patten, Scribe.


O. O. F. Nobth Stab Lodok Xo. 6.

j. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening of each wees, at Odd I'ellows HsiL corner Nicollet avenue and Third street. Wm. CtiEmY, U-8. I.

O. O. F. 8i. akthost LoiHir Ko.

40 -Eenlar meetluss on Trip evening iff of each week, si Odd Fellows' Hall, Wen. sinsrer Block. Minneapolis East. D. N.

Kills, It. Sec. S. Hawks, 0, Kxiohts or Pythias. SJinnuapoli xlgs tB.Vi ro.

n. regular mKung i lhij eventnjf at corner Washineton avenue and Jxirsiaenue sjum, oer iwruiwwKm lional (Sank. Cbas. a. C't-IWSOK, C.

C. W'M. H. Sticixkt, B. and 8.

OaAND A KMT OF TRK UKPDDIJO G0. N. MOS JAN Post Ko. 3. Regular meetings second and fourth Wednesdsy evenings of every month, Good Teurr-vb' Hall, Pomerov's Building.

L. P. P. 0. Jas, MC1USON.

Idf't. MruJtss' TJsMCi. This Aaso elation mcxa cn tbe second ilia fourth Tuesdays of each month, at Pjthian Ball, at 7:30. Sax coixias, i rest. Jobs S.

Dodge, Cor. 8 co'y. JL. S- LEAVITT, Whcloaale and Betail MILLINERY, HAIR (J00US AND NOTIONS. .1 WasHiocrtcn A.

f-oii li. ei.2S-4y-t BETJSHBS! k.v. in the lsrirest stock and varletv of Hair, Cloth and Tooth Brushes in tho West, st New York prices. CERTS, LUABAsSD I Hrnsla lMatnafactarers, r-eod is Madison CHICAGO. novX SHOES Slmnlsinl.

Ena Bcsrlaie. StMl aswsje Blaoes, tbs best shoe known, 1b lighter and differ than common shoes, and wears longer. Fn RRnWM Ko. rirst ave. sp, is pre- Wm DllUlin, rared to nat them on and warrant them to aiva satisfaction.

Horse owners pleass take notice. nsayH-tf FEMALE CSIIIIARY. ftcvtxtx lfrs. a ataact, KM, B. S.

Bsrsmrt KM. M. sUHfl. Ilia WfflalsM I A flMd Inveaitnent. Parties wishing to purchase shares in the distribution of real estate belonging to the Catholic Industrial school ol Minnesota, wiy please make application to J.

W. Praliek, General Manager. Savings Bank St Panl or to the authorised agents throughout the State. Tbe amount of property to be disposed $144,000, divided into 3,600 shares at t40. each.

Terms cash and note for $20. payable on or before February litti 1875. See prospectus published elsewhere and satisfy yourselves that it is a good business enterprise aa well as hari table one. STILLWATER. The Tejbcke Is delivered to subscribers in Stillwater every morning before half-past even o'clock.

ubseseriplions and advertise menls received by O. L. Clewell, at The Gazette office. Main Street Council Proceedings. The Council met yesterday.

Present Seymour, Tuor, Matlhew9, Jassof and Deragiscb. An ordinance was adopted reguta'ing the sale ot intoxicating liquors. The City Surveyor reported that the money spent on tbe extension of Myrtle street had been economically u-ed, nnder Ihe direction of Mr. John C. Gardiner, and recommended that ao additional hundred dollars be allowed by tbe city, as the property owners bad agreed to subscribe $200.

Report accepted and adopted. Tue following conitnisioncr8 were appointed to consider the petition of Fayette Marsh and others 'or the condemnation of lands for a puldic levee: E. G. It. J.

Wheeler, UcKusick. Al lerman in Third Ward reported Iu favor ol budding stairs on Laurel street from near State Prison to Cedar street Report adopted, and the Clerk instructed to have the same built Tue plat of Th. roe's second addition to Stillwater was adopted, and Clerk instructed to make tbe necessary endorsements thereon. Short Hand. A team load of theatre goers, men who have no desire to patronize anything, but the higb-toned article, went to Si.

Paul Tuesday to see the "Black Crook." They returned, bat singular to relate, not one of tbe party has a word to say about the merits ot the play, and bad It not beeu for tbe reports id the morumz papers, all would have been welL It is pleasant to ride to St Paul and back on a cold night to go to a play and Ond yonrself sold, but that pleasure is tame compared to that of askinz any of tbe party how they Used the "Black Crook." The Jndze and officers of the District met Tuf lay evening in tho law office of Marsh McClnre, and Qnidbed up all tbe business for tliis term, and have adjourned nntil tbe tirst Tueaday In March. 1875. Tbe Post Office will close to-day at 12 o'clock. In order to give Mr. Cutler an opportunity to enjoy a Thanksgiving turkey.

Some town parties contemplate making a skattnc rink on the lake near tbe upper depot It is to be 100 by 150 feet in size and be under the management of Mr. Cbaa. Knapp, of Philadelphia. The posters are ont announcing the coming of Iiarrv's comedy troup and the Dcnin Sisters, who played CnderSnspicion" last night, and on Thanksgiving alternoon a matinee will 1m given, and evening "Rip Van WlDkle." Tbe company will arrive on Ihe evening train and stop at tbe Sawyer. Cbarcli Belles.

The Pope baptizes church bells with holy water, but our chnrch telle prefer a sprinkling of "The Phalon's li Cereus" or "Morse's White Rose Ac which render them so attractive that all the gentlemen want to ring them. The feminine toilet lacks its most beautifying appurtenance withont "The Phalon's Invigorator" or "Morse's Luxurene" for tbe hair. Who Will It Be. The postpenement of the Gift Concert cf the Kentucky Public. Library to Nov.

SUtb, 1874, was resolved upon to make a full drawing certainty. There will potitively be no farther postponement, and the great priz will be the magnificent sum of Who will get it! What a pestered man Gov. Bramlette, ot Louisville, bosiness manager, would be, if the people supposed he could tell. Teeth in Italut, are a sure drawback on persona appearance and personal comfort Therefore keep them in good repair with that established antidote for alt the diseases which assail them, fragrant Sozodont. I'rrmat a re Loss of tne flair.

which is so common nowadays, may be entirely prevented by the use of Burnett's Cocoa in lt has been used in thousands ot cases where tbe hair was coming ont in handsful, and has never failed to arrest its decay, and to nromote a health and vigorous growth, it is at the same time unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. A single application will render it soft and glossy for several days. A Circus Trick. An interesting iucident has just occurred in Bucharest, and has created a profound sensation iu theatrical circles in that ilace. It seems tbe proprietor of the Subr Circus, anxious to provide amusement for tho public, lately published an announcement that a challenge given by Jules Rigal, a wrestler attached to the circa3, had beeu accepted by a gentleman, who, wishing to preserve a strict incognito, would appear before the public in a week.

The amateur athlete, who, it was stated, was a person occupy-lug a high social position, was rumored to be no other than Prince Stourdja, a Moldavian noble, who has the reputation of possessing herculean strength. On the evening when "the great unknown" made bis first appearance in the ciraus the stalls were filled with eager spectators long before tbe commencement of the performance. Iiigal and his masked opponent, having made their bow to tbe audience, at onco commenced the tit niggle, which was, however, of short duration, for the distinguished unknown, in a very few minutes, a said frantic applause, floored bis professional antagonist. So great was the success of the spectacle that the manager announced that the nobleman wrest-fer had condescended to appear again be-lore them on the following evening, when the performance was accordingly repeated, and was continued for several successive nights, until one evening an indiscreet member of the troupe unfortunately divulged the fact th it the masked wrestler was not a distinguished nobleman but only one of the clowns attached to the circu. This led to a disturbance the "great unknown" narrowly escaped being torn to pieces by his late admirers, the manager nnd his troupe had to fly for their lives, and the circus building would probably have been dismantled and destroyed but for the exertions of tho po- i i 1.1 lice, who witu great uiuicuuy uucceeucu in repressing what promised to bo a serious riot.

Brotherly Love, Thcro was a curious instaneo of broth erly love at the recent conference of Bap tist ministers in New York. The Rev. D. Fnltoa took occasion to say that, while he was visiting Mr. Spurgeon, the latter gentleman bad ale and wines upon his table, for which he rebuked him in private and aitei wards in public by publishing his shortcomings.

Instead of receiving encomiums for his devotion to principle, the Bev. John Love arose and said that a man who would accept another's hospitalities, and then publicly proclaim the habits of his host's daily was, to say the lea6t, not a gentleman. To this the Bev. Dr. Miller replied with a vigorous "Amen." The Rev.

Spencer Kennard then arose and read a letter which the Rev. Fulton bad written to a Cincinnati paper, and pronounced its statements falsehoods and defamations. Dr.Patton.the editor of The Baptist Weekly, capped the climax by publicly proclaiming the Rev. Fulton a liar, "mere is," said he, "a regular stock story of Fulton's, in which be gives details of hardships endnred in his early frontier life, of cold, and hunger, and log-cabius. Once, after bearing him tell this story to a Sunday school, his mother said to him, "Oh, Justin, Jusrin, how could yon tell that story Yon know it is not true At this the Rev.

Fulton reproached the Rer. Patton for making illusions to bis sainted mother, he wonldu't have told these false stories fqr which she rebuked him in the Madison Avenne Church within a year. Thus the matter remains at "present, and the Rev. Fulton stands publicly charred with being nnr. It is sad.

5 The Honse Committee on Appropriations i.iu. tne Indian oer- vice $250,000 front that of hat year. TDls redaction is Jastlfted by th JfiSgL aeverei Inriioa treaties. oossai sw altuneapuUs. 7.50 a.

m. St. 8:25 a. 111. a ru 1:30 p.m.

m. A5a.m. in. 2:45 p.m. m.

10:27 a. m. 2:15 p. m. m.

7 a. m. 12:20 p. UI. St Paul Minneapolis m.

f. H. KAN ALL. General fafcsenger Agent. nimEAmn st.

ktEc UIICAliO KAII.WA Ticket Office, Nicollet Mouse up at.ira wo. at tbe Psueain Uepot, corner Urreoa and deconii Street. Jllnneap. oils. TBAIKS.

I UEAVK.H. CbiMBO, Milwsnlree La Crosse ipress. anil a. m. 7:30 a.

m. Prairie do Ohien. Milwaukee! and Chicago fi m. 8:30 p.m. Anstln and St.

Lonis Express ft JO a. m. 8 p. m. m.ill:3S an.

St. l'aul 4 Minneapolis Trains 8:20 6:40 p.n. PACIFIC IX A I L. ICO A D. Winter Arrangemciat.

1HJ5. tuiutn Le. Thomson unction. Le. Brainerd Bralnerd Mocrhcad fsrpo Ar.

a ui Ar. 2:40 pru Ar. 8 :00 Le. 8:00 a Ar 6:00 Hi Le. teos Le.

1 11:5 a a 5:10 pm 8 :06 a 8 a Trains run excepted. The only all rail jute to Moorfaead and Fargo rrakiug connection at Mrorhead with stsges for fort Osrry, and at Thomson Junction with trains of L. H. M. B.

It. to and from I'aal, MinneapoUi, and all points East and South. C. W. MEAD, Gen.

Manager, St. Paul, Minn. Ou G. SASCOaS, Gen. Ticket Ag't, Nor.

1, Brainerd. Minn. V.ST WISf O.SI HAll-WAV-Depot aublnjrlon avenue and Dakota street i iritet wince, no. mcoiici Ilouso II lock ana at M. ar lepot LBAVE.

AHKIVC. C'hicaKO Day 7 a. m. Might 6:42 p. m.

-t 7:50 a. Oounectiuna made at Camp DougUs lur Miiwaukie ana points Ean via orana iiaren. G. M. HUNTINGTON, Gen Pass.

Ticket Agt CHICAGO 3c KOKTHU EsTEKK. Tralm at Klic GtiiiLK North. Asaivic. ntPAjiT. Day Express 8:55 m.

9 :0 a. m. Nitxht txprefs p. 9:00 p. nx.

Going South. Day Express m. 8 :00 a. m. Nuibt Express 8UM p.

m. p. m. lhroufrh trains run fiom ht. Paul to Chicago via tbe west ttlsconsm au'l C.

4 ItaUwaa, without chancre of rara. TU keU for pale at No. 5 Nicollet House Uoc, and sttbe Depot, corner of Washington avenue and Da- aota street. ai. ut oiir.i General Superintend--ut.

W. II Stesxett, General Passenger Affect- dc21 REAL ESTATE AGENCY OF J. B. BOTTINEAU, East Entrance City GROCSD KLOOlt, jIinu'niollK. Fi SALE OU EXCHASGEi "ON LEASED GUOUND." 4TG.

On leaned cronnd. Laree 2 story frame buiU- intr 22x93, 14 rocma, very snitable for a boarding house, well finished, nearly new, at a cost Size of leased lot, to an alley, at a rental of fSO per annum, will be old at a large discount or trade for other property, liente for a month. 477. One honse on same block. 2 ctory.

24x30. 10 rooms, well, fiaished at cost of i2.W0. On leased land, 'atixltiO feet to an alley. B' uu for $35 a month. ill be sold very che p.

481. On leased ground, corner 1st street aud 5th Teoue north, 1 etry houtw, 4 rooms, lease run Jyer from this spring, th pivilege of longer time, insured for 26 years. Kenufor flu a mouth. fluO down, baJance at lu per cent, for lUxuouthf. Uonse on leasetl land, Ne.

412 I ir-t street north, with five rooms, two years from next AuRUft at $50 per year, to il. T- Welles, with privilejro of five years more at tbe same price, subject to taxes. Size of to alley. 4J7. Sweet's Floral ilall Restaurant on 2d Ptreet, near Chicago Milwankee depot, on 11 years lea, in Rood running crder.

2 store rooms, cellar under each. PotiBesmon given at any time. down, balance in 6 and 12 months. 450. 1 story dwelling on corner 2d stroet aud 6th avenue ncrth, on leased ground, lbxiHi feet, well finished and will sell cheap or trade for a lot.

456. On lot 9, block 45, Noa. 707 and 709, on four years lease from ucst, 1H74, with the privilege of a term of ysrs. Rental $20 per annum. A large frame building 40x44, feet poet, 2 story, built and now used for stores, aU well finished also 1 building 14x20 on the rear of the lot on the alley now, used as a carpenter's shop, all renting now tor Eer annum.

Being about to remove from this city for oaltu. the proprietor otters a great bargain for cash. 1 or will exchange for uuimprov.d suburban property anal r.ait f-jti 458. A fruit. Confectionary snd Uestanrant eland for sale cheap.

Situated on Washington avenue between 1st and 2d avenues nrth. Building 13x5G feet, with large back yard, and will sell the lease, stock an fiiTurea to the amount of $7ou- Proprietor being Called east on business will give a good bargain. 4.9. Hotel and furniture, biock from City Hall on 1st street north. Bar fixtures Ac, rooms to sc commodate 2J boarders, a large bam, room for iu horses and 4 tons of hay, now in good running order.

A great bargain offered. Business Property. 47. B0 feet on 1st avenne north by 10 feet cn 3d street (with the Merchants' Hotel), 3 story frame (building, built 2 y.ra ago. Mae 80 leet on first av euue north and 77 feet on 3d street by Ji5 feet deep, 44 rooms besides halls and closets viz let floor, of-thce rooca 30x30, diuing room 30x40, billiard room bGx40, kitchen 17x4(1, largo hail and wash room 2d floor, 2M rooms, inciutang parlor aa noor, rooms All the rooms are sufficiently large for beds.

This property ia offered at a great bsrtia. cah, balance on my terms. 453. G6 feet on Washington avenue corner offith avenue South, with the (Cataract Hotel, 3 storv building, 100 room, well located for busiues and now renting for 3.500 per annum. A irreat bargain is offered.

49 114 feet by 157 fe.t to an alley in Wolford's Block, on Bridge Square, inclndina three franie dwell ns and a large barn; at a great bargain: (10.000 down, balance on one to fifty yearn, at luper cent. 4y0 2-2 feet on Washington avon by 1ST foet to alley on lot 8. block 55, with a ii story frame building atjd cellar, all built for a store; 2.0u0 down, balance at 10 per cent. 491 41 feet by 93 feet on Washington avenue, next to Stone Jt'arkers Block; will sell very cLeap wi small payment down. i i2 Lot 3, block 55.

on Third street, between First an I Second avenues north, wiih large S-f-tory dwelling, rooms besides hall and closets, cellar and cis-terh: rent in for 50 per month: it is a great bar- gaib. and catty paymeut; ,000 down wanted, balance on time at 10 per cnt. Lot 1, block 40, corner of Second avenue sonkh. ad Washington avenue, feet to a wide alley also lot 22x135 feet adjoining, with tho buildings thereon; keee; a great bargain will be given ou the above two pieces at property. 118 Lots 6 and 7, block 17, North Minneapolis addition, corner of VVafcbingtou avenue and Tweuty- nrtiB avenue north, wiin a good, new, two-story dwelling of seven rooms, well, cellar, cistern, shade trcelp, a bargain; offered for cash.

I'art ot iou 7 and 8, Atwair-r's oan tion, being 40 feet front on Fourth street, and 15 feet deep; 1,000 down, balance iu one or two years. at 10 percent. 5i Lot block 22. on lighth street, bet we Third and Fourth avenues north, with a 2-story dwelling, well arranged, with closets, balls, pantries, Ac; $000 down, balance in oue, two and three jears, at 10 per cent. 531 Lots 24 and 25, an4 one-quarter of 23, block 17, with a 2-story dwelling, 2bx46 feit; 16x28 feet; (0 rooms, besides cioseta, nail, woodsncit ami barn 2'iXifi; 1 1,000 caehi ialanoo in one, two and three years, at iuo ven.

45T 111) foet oi lot 5. block 217. Minneapolis prop er, corner of Seventh struct aud Fifth avenue Bouth, with a 2-story dwelling, new, li rooms, built for a boarding house, at a cost of with all necessary improvements. Will exchange tor a farm near the city, and some cash. 4-S9 40 feet on First avenue north, next 1 3 alley, by 132 feet deep, with two dwellings, one ef twelve rooms, besides hall and closets, tho other of six rooms; Both with celiars, cistern, well and pump.

1 3,310 cash, balance on time. BXR UOrBBBJilRUUH AJS'l BUM JVM CUICU Tiviliew Semiirary Oticss it twelfth yesr Sept. 14 and its elegant boild-uTls, ample accommodations, retired location, thoro- una ntnnuu if atndv. nnnsnal sdvsntaees in Freuca, Art and Musio reader-tbla institution tne mot desirable place of instrnetion for younn Ladies in tbe oonntry. No pains Lave been spared to select tbe most experienced teachers.

Flue secommodatiens in a true home for boarders. Address, Ml Ubkus, Principal, 15 17 S. Sheldon St. Chicago. WINDOW BLINDS.

Bwllilers. (ontrsr loif, Owrcli Houses sad Carpeastcm Sou ore Invited to call at Ko. 358 First svenue sonth, between Washington avenns sad Third street, and see the mos' complete devise for hancing window blinds. Blind' can ba rahung aa to be worked from the inside of tie room, without raising the wlEdow, and th slats locked jast where vou wish thorn. and ate the Invention, and see how easily yaa may be made happy.

o. w. i.y.ONAltn. ALDEN HALEY, ARCniTECTSs OsVa, Iteoaa If, a. GrsMt'a Btook, Amount Bainfall or Melted Snow, 0.10 inch.

Maximum Thermometer. 17. Amount Atniuapherio Ozone. 4 or lair. Af inimum Tbermometej.

7. Kots. Barometer corrected for and slevatioa. ajielow Zero. W.

O. BAILEY, Sergeant Signal Service U. S. A. PBOBSBtJUTIXS.

For the Northwest, partly clondy weather with areas of Hxbt snow, low bat rising temperature, southeast to southwest winds and alowly falling barometer durintt Tnnrsday. Clly Notes. Tbe Repoblican primaries were held jester, day. The German Society met lat eveuing and elected officers. Frederics Ilecker.

of Illinois, led are in 8L Paul this winter. It took five men to brin an woman from Morris Tuesday. Tne Black Crook, was more profaned than complimer.led. The Poslofliee will lie closed fiom a. m.

to 6 p. m. today, and the clerks Bill eivo thanks. Busses will commence runniog to-morrow between the east and wet.t sides of the river here. Fare five The offices at tbe State Capitol are to be dosed lo-day to allow their occupants to gorge themselves with the festive gobbler.

We reirret to learn that Mr. Thomas Kei- ker, director cf thetiederkrani and Principal of tbe Assumption Parish hebool. Is seriously ill with typhoid lever. George Marshall, the lad ol eight years who ran away from his home in and was captured by tbe police here, has again effected bis escape. Governor Davis has appelated Gen.

T. L. Rosser of Minneapolis delegate to the conven tion of Ibe National ranhport-i'ion Association, to be held at Kichmond, Va December 1st. Malbew Groff can now gut drank without being subjected to curtain lectures or mop handle vibrations. Maria Groff has obtained a divorce from blin.

He is now a poor unfortunate male. The dwelling of Mr. Furred, on Mississippi street, had a narrow from burning Tnesdav afternoon. The Tront Brook Hose Co. caved it by promptly extinguishing the flames.

No ularm was soucded. W. A. Mora ml, the artist at C. W.

Stifl" gallery is completing an India Ink picture ot Judye Underwood, which is tho Cnest work of the kind yet done In the city. It will be placed on exhibition in tbe gallery, tvheie critics may gather to pronounce their opinions upon iU It will bear the closest inspection, and we opine the general verdict will be 'UDiqne." THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. Gen. V. A.

Gsrmaa Hans the Tblrd Ward raucii. The prlmij-lea yesterday aficrnoon were not burdened with oiciteinent or crowded with patriots. In the Third Ward the Democrats good humoretlly took a band in ti rancus and elected Gen. Gorman presiding jnde. Albert Armstrong, Capt.

Kins, Capt. Schneider and Doc Larpenteur were tbe conspirators that brought this um-cemly revolution. There was only one ticket and it received only a lew votes. The Democratic Aluermer C. A.

Morton was endorsed. Also Peter Schneider, candidate for Justice of the Peace, ilemy Escble was nominated for School Inspector. Delegutes to City Convention W. D. Cornish.

Acg. Uiinmer, Jobn Wiley, Charles Hoffman, Wm. It. Dean. FOCKTII WAED.

Delegates tf City Convention J. II. Slew-art, II. J. Taylor, G.

W. Moore, F. Kicbter, F. A. Rcnz.

For. Alderman Gales A. Johnnon. I'or School Inspector Adam Finck. The above ticket was elected without oppen Siton.

and with few votes. THE FTFTH WAED. The ticket below was pat through without dissent, and with a few dozen votes. For Delesates to City Convention Henry Castle, Aodrew Ericsson. J.

K. Hoffman, F. Knauft, True S. While. For Alderman J.

W. Fisher. For School Inspector Albeit Scheffer. For Justice of the Peace James O'Farrell. For Constable Wm.

Sculley. Fisher is presumed to have in easy walk over with both piriy nominations as a send off. In the First Ward Henry Proelzer. the butcher, was nominated (or Alderman. There was a little tbree-cornered contest in this Wart, but to no special purpose.

S. C. Ar-buckle W89 one of the defeated brethren. C. W.

Carpenter was nominated for School Inspector. In tbe Second Ward there was a still smaller contest between Aid. Goleher and Capt. Meese, of The Press office. The Captain defeated the crack marksman.

He has now to defeat John O'Connor, the Democratic nominee for tbe same place. We sincerely hope be will succeed iu keeping John oat of the Council. The Convention to-morrow will nominate Maxfield, Roche and A. Mellratb for City Justice. A JJRUTAL ACT.

A Policeman Clubs a Foaiteea Year Old Bart Maud morning, between one and two Officer Potzier discovered a fourteen year boy at fhe head of the stairway lead-ieu 10 the St. Paul Club Room, over Browne Donnelly's. He brought the lad down and out, and when turning tho corner of Wabasha street, en route to the lock-up, the prisoner, as it were, tnrned round and left. While leaving, ihe club that Putzler carries, as well as all other policemen, came down ou tbe lad's head and snapped in two. That was a blow of some force.

It was a brutal blow, and Mr. Putzler has now the pleasure of undergoing an investigation and enjoying a suspension from office to boot The Mayor has ordered the investigation, and somebody wll have to vindicate himself or be The City Justice, Monday morning, ordered tho boy to leave the city, as he was supposed to be a vagrant. Insipid ho went to a doctor's office, and from theie to the City Hospital, where he is at present The boy will not die, In spile of Tbe Dispatch's frolby account of tbe affair. natrianaaiial. Tbtit is ao interesting caption and we have in mind some yoong friends that regard it in special terms at this present time.

Iu a few weeks they will bold it in still higher opinion and we have no wotse wish than that ihey may have the same opinion nutil the golden bowl Is broken. Bnt of Besrie Merryweather and Charles Grant we have to do in tbis notice. In matrimonial text they were married last evening at tbe Church of tbe Good Shepherd by the Jtecior, Rev. C. Pope, D.

D. Mif-a Bessie, one of the sweetest and prettiest young ladies in St Paul, never looked moio beautiful than at half past seven last evening when she stood before tbe altar of tbe Church of Good Shepherd. Her bine and wbite silk was exceedingly becoming, and we Iron Mr. Grant, wno is one of tbe worthy men of the reat dry goods house of Camp Smith, was as proud of her as she deserved. After tbe ceremony at the church was over, a reception was held at tbe residence of tbe bride's father on Wabasha sireet There were some very One bridal silts.

Among them an elegant piano and very rootly set of furs from Mr. John Merryweather, the tather of tbe charming bride. The Board of Education ot Minneapolis have adnnaed Iks eeWtmtcd Harris Hot Air Furnace. and Meant. A.

K. Pruden of 8t Panl, tbe btate Agents, have put mem into lueir school. A Halt Baft for One of Hall's Ore proof safe for Ue at a bar- rain, it took the Oxat premium at ut State Fair. Address C. W.

Palmer, Opera Honse Building, St Paul. sTwr Btat- Twenty dollars per month, a new I taste, two-story of mttHmt. Thsee kaafisn 174 State street, Chicago, la disco cr4 to kasw ssab-Ud his eeapioyera face)) 4w tee think that tne aDWwMisrin fer tM Mold also tw 'Z- weh.

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